The last thing most men will want to read about is menstruation.
So, if you want to skip it, skip down until you see the words: SAFE TO CONTINUE! If not, consideryourself warned: Pointless whingeing about to ensue!
I wanted to yank out my innards today and launch my uterus via trebuchet at the makers of Midol. *snort* Works fast, my ass. It would serve two very usefull purposes:
A) My uterus would no longer be cramping inside me, like full on contractions. Been there, done that, and yes, the comparison is accurate today. And,
B) It would amuse the daylights out of me, seeing the damn thing SPLAT! and slide in squeaky fits down the side of some tall glass corporate building, the advertising executives going green.
I am a moderator at another website, and I had to quit moderating the forums for a while today because I was being a complete gunch and a half. Granted, some of these 13 year old, "satanist, wiccan, bisexual, anarchist, rebellious, murdering" ICP monkey ejaculate morons need to be sterilized before they breed; it's just not ... nice ... to say so. Repeatedly. In ALL CAPS. In the largest font possible.
Did I mention the Midol was not working today?
It's been over a month since my last journal entry.
I had some weirdities going on for a bit.
Ok, how many of you have gone on a first date with someone, and then had your date get arrested for AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER right after the appetizers arrive?
I need to reverse the polarity of my freak magnet.
Apparently, he had hit and killed an 11 year old girl on a bike the previous Sunday and fled the scene.
He didn't even have the good grace to apologize or anything to me about getting arrested. The only thing he said was, "GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING WALLET!"
I ensured dinner was paid for, and tipped VERY well considering EVERYONE's dinner was interrupted and a fracas ensued. Then I gave him his wallet back and asked the nice policemen if I could have a ride home because my date was too fucking stupid to live.
No, I wasn't on my period, then.
Bitchiness happens.
I was rather angry that I had made the effort to shave my legs and wear thigh highs, and then that crap happened. Not that he would have even seen my thigh highs, it was just the principle of the thing.
Over half of a woman's sex appeal is in how she views herself.
But after that, my motto, beyond the SCREW DATING!, is:
"What am I, flypaper for morons?!"
On another note ...
I've been wondering how one becomes a Suicide Girl, and if it is requisite that one conforms to the slender standard of body shape? I'm curious about it. I cannot be called slender by ANYONE'S stretch of the imagination, but I think I am a strong, sexy woman, and I love me.
I've not had any trouble getting a date when I've wanted one, and very few of those in whom I have showed interest have not returned it. *shrug* It's attitude.
I just don't know the standards or guidelines for choosing a Suicide Girl.
Anyone with the knowledge or the correct direction, point me that way, eh?
I even have a few ideas for sets.
If I am not deemed appropriate subject matter, maybe I'll jsut whisper the ideas for those sets in someone's ear and see if they will do them.
The last thing most men will want to read about is menstruation.
So, if you want to skip it, skip down until you see the words: SAFE TO CONTINUE! If not, consideryourself warned: Pointless whingeing about to ensue!
I wanted to yank out my innards today and launch my uterus via trebuchet at the makers of Midol. *snort* Works fast, my ass. It would serve two very usefull purposes:
A) My uterus would no longer be cramping inside me, like full on contractions. Been there, done that, and yes, the comparison is accurate today. And,
B) It would amuse the daylights out of me, seeing the damn thing SPLAT! and slide in squeaky fits down the side of some tall glass corporate building, the advertising executives going green.
I am a moderator at another website, and I had to quit moderating the forums for a while today because I was being a complete gunch and a half. Granted, some of these 13 year old, "satanist, wiccan, bisexual, anarchist, rebellious, murdering" ICP monkey ejaculate morons need to be sterilized before they breed; it's just not ... nice ... to say so. Repeatedly. In ALL CAPS. In the largest font possible.
Did I mention the Midol was not working today?
It's been over a month since my last journal entry.
I had some weirdities going on for a bit.
Ok, how many of you have gone on a first date with someone, and then had your date get arrested for AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER right after the appetizers arrive?
I need to reverse the polarity of my freak magnet.
Apparently, he had hit and killed an 11 year old girl on a bike the previous Sunday and fled the scene.
He didn't even have the good grace to apologize or anything to me about getting arrested. The only thing he said was, "GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING WALLET!"
I ensured dinner was paid for, and tipped VERY well considering EVERYONE's dinner was interrupted and a fracas ensued. Then I gave him his wallet back and asked the nice policemen if I could have a ride home because my date was too fucking stupid to live.
No, I wasn't on my period, then.
Bitchiness happens.
I was rather angry that I had made the effort to shave my legs and wear thigh highs, and then that crap happened. Not that he would have even seen my thigh highs, it was just the principle of the thing.
Over half of a woman's sex appeal is in how she views herself.
But after that, my motto, beyond the SCREW DATING!, is:
"What am I, flypaper for morons?!"
On another note ...
I've been wondering how one becomes a Suicide Girl, and if it is requisite that one conforms to the slender standard of body shape? I'm curious about it. I cannot be called slender by ANYONE'S stretch of the imagination, but I think I am a strong, sexy woman, and I love me.
I've not had any trouble getting a date when I've wanted one, and very few of those in whom I have showed interest have not returned it. *shrug* It's attitude.
I just don't know the standards or guidelines for choosing a Suicide Girl.
Anyone with the knowledge or the correct direction, point me that way, eh?
I even have a few ideas for sets.
If I am not deemed appropriate subject matter, maybe I'll jsut whisper the ideas for those sets in someone's ear and see if they will do them.
I actually talked to my Mom this morning. she somehow knew right when I woke up and called about 10 minutes later, perfectly timed to my first sip of coffee.
how have you been?