ive been in a couple of studios lately, and it has been rather cathartic, to say the least. ive had way too much free time on my hands over the last 20+ months, and we all know that idle time is the devils favorite plaything. and as much as i like/need to get the noize out of my head, there is also the boredom, depression, frustration, guilt, suppression, etc. that i need a get out of my life, which makes me a dependent in the sense that i require others to assist me along the way.
it seems to me that way too many artists/musicians get all caught up in a fatal catch-22 syndrome that consists of egotism and narrow-sightedness, as opposed to sharing/working with as many like-minded individuals as possible, which is why i created dbc. we shall see what is to be, as i'm coming in contact with more of the people i'm supposed to these days, which is, to say the least, the best possible thing for me right now. im going to whore myself out right now and utilize as many resources that i can come across to assist not only myself in the process, but hopefully theirs as well, and hopefully we can all come up in this seemingly impossible world we live constricted by these days. either way, it feels right to me, as we are all in this together.
the moral is this...:everyone, play nice together, and the proverbial cohesiveness of this world seems to stick together much better...!
p.s. go to www.myspace.com/deathbycoconutband for samples, and add don't forget to add me as a friend and let me know what you think of it all...
it seems to me that way too many artists/musicians get all caught up in a fatal catch-22 syndrome that consists of egotism and narrow-sightedness, as opposed to sharing/working with as many like-minded individuals as possible, which is why i created dbc. we shall see what is to be, as i'm coming in contact with more of the people i'm supposed to these days, which is, to say the least, the best possible thing for me right now. im going to whore myself out right now and utilize as many resources that i can come across to assist not only myself in the process, but hopefully theirs as well, and hopefully we can all come up in this seemingly impossible world we live constricted by these days. either way, it feels right to me, as we are all in this together.
the moral is this...:everyone, play nice together, and the proverbial cohesiveness of this world seems to stick together much better...!

p.s. go to www.myspace.com/deathbycoconutband for samples, and add don't forget to add me as a friend and let me know what you think of it all...
Always nice to see new blogs from you.