high everybody...! my visit home to dullass, texass was pretty good. i mean, i did want to be back home after a few days, but who wouldn't miss maui... anyways, i got to surprise the hell out of my family and a good amount of friends, 3 of which i hadn't seen in about 15 years; many of them had kids, some multiple, heh...! i got to actually meet someone for the first time in person; we were introduced through a mutual friend earlier this year, and we had a great time together. i got to hang out with my 6 year old niece a lot, which is exactly why i wanted to go out there in the first place. i saw a friend's new band perform and they were amazing. i had to visit the clubhouse, which is vinnie paul's full nude club in dallas, and it is just as bad ass as ever. we had a bbq at my mother's house on memorial day. i got to eat mom's home cooking, tex-mex, arby's and chic-fila, which made me happy to no end, heh; we don't have a lot of things out here in the middle of the pacific ocean. i did not get to see everyone i wanted to, but that always happens. either way, i had some great times...!
i am very happy to be back where i live now. i have finally began my physical therapy, which only took 8 months to get approved...!? i am sore from the exercises, but i know they are helping to rebuild the muscles in my back that have atrophied since my accident. i go to the therapist twice a week, following a chiropractic massage and adjustment. that being said, i'm having to put off finding an easy job for a while, maybe a few months. other than that, everything is pretty much the same. i hope all is well with all of you...
i am very happy to be back where i live now. i have finally began my physical therapy, which only took 8 months to get approved...!? i am sore from the exercises, but i know they are helping to rebuild the muscles in my back that have atrophied since my accident. i go to the therapist twice a week, following a chiropractic massage and adjustment. that being said, i'm having to put off finding an easy job for a while, maybe a few months. other than that, everything is pretty much the same. i hope all is well with all of you...

I like that.
Thank you. See my mini-bar sentence?

You always have the best things to say! I dig you tons!