Long time since I've posted. Going to see Paramore Tuesday which will be a awesome. My mom had her defibrillator replaced, which will be beneficial but surgery is always scary. My sister (37) broke up with her ex-"baby daddy." I hate that term but it's what it is. And turns out he's a psycho, and has threatened to kill her, and has written letters to her, my mom, my sister's work, and the police department from this fictional organization called "People for Freedom," in which he describes my sister's devious sex life of having sex with anyone from my mom, me, her daughter, and several minors that whose origins remain undisclosed, because the so-called videos he speaks of are on the Internet, and are "pricey." Fucking sick, huh? Psycho. Just today he left a message on my mom's answering machine asking her if she was ready to watch her daughter die. What is the police doing about this maniac? Not enough.
Other than that, things have been all right. School starting back soon. Will be good. My phone called it quits the other day so I had to buy an interim one on eBay. Hopefully it'll get here soon because being without a cell after having one for so long is, well, just like taking my tongue piercing out. It just doesn't feel natural.
Other than that, things have been all right. School starting back soon. Will be good. My phone called it quits the other day so I had to buy an interim one on eBay. Hopefully it'll get here soon because being without a cell after having one for so long is, well, just like taking my tongue piercing out. It just doesn't feel natural.
wow, that's some fucked up sub-human right there. this is when vigilante justice should come into full effect. Where's a masked do-gooder to make this guy reassess his way of approaching the world and your family? I wish for the best for you and yours.The police surely need to intensify their efforts.