Well, what's new with me. I'm working night closes all the time now at work, but I get a nice little raisey raise to go with it so I'm happy... although it really feels like I have no free time. And it seems like when I have days off, that they're gone before I know it... I guess I'll get used to it, but I really liked those Mondays and Tuesdays off. They were nice. Blah.
In other news, um, I might be going back to the gym... I dunno yet. Depends on what my friend wants to do... Maybe we can work out a schedule, maybe not. We'll see. I need to schedule an advisement meeting with my, err, college advisor this week so I can get registered for next semster. I think I'm just gonna take Introduction to the Literature of the Western World 1 and Discrete Structures. That is, unless he talks me out of it, which for some reason he probably will because he's kind of spazzy.
I didn't get a Wii on launch day, or as of yet even. I think I might've mentioned something about that before... I really want to play Zelda but I think I'll wait it out a bit... I bought a few cheap but quality games for my PS2 so that'll tide of me over for a while. I really do want to get into gaming more but I just never seem to have time to just sit down and play. It's weird. I've been reading some reviews of the Wii games though and I've realized how much I hate them. Reviews, essays, reports, etc., etc. always seem to take the fun out of it for me, whatever the object is. Having everything explained away to the gristle just extracts all the enjoyment. It's like having some really super cool ghost encounter and then having science explain that it was really the combination of a cold front and flashlit shadows. The magic fades. It blows.
Thanksgiving was pretty nice. We had the usual stuff and a lot of different kinds of pie. I think I ate so much pie that... well, no, I could probably eat some more actually. Chcolate would be nice right now but they're all gone already. I hope you all had a good one...
In other news, um, I might be going back to the gym... I dunno yet. Depends on what my friend wants to do... Maybe we can work out a schedule, maybe not. We'll see. I need to schedule an advisement meeting with my, err, college advisor this week so I can get registered for next semster. I think I'm just gonna take Introduction to the Literature of the Western World 1 and Discrete Structures. That is, unless he talks me out of it, which for some reason he probably will because he's kind of spazzy.
I didn't get a Wii on launch day, or as of yet even. I think I might've mentioned something about that before... I really want to play Zelda but I think I'll wait it out a bit... I bought a few cheap but quality games for my PS2 so that'll tide of me over for a while. I really do want to get into gaming more but I just never seem to have time to just sit down and play. It's weird. I've been reading some reviews of the Wii games though and I've realized how much I hate them. Reviews, essays, reports, etc., etc. always seem to take the fun out of it for me, whatever the object is. Having everything explained away to the gristle just extracts all the enjoyment. It's like having some really super cool ghost encounter and then having science explain that it was really the combination of a cold front and flashlit shadows. The magic fades. It blows.
Thanksgiving was pretty nice. We had the usual stuff and a lot of different kinds of pie. I think I ate so much pie that... well, no, I could probably eat some more actually. Chcolate would be nice right now but they're all gone already. I hope you all had a good one...
He put me on antibiotics, gave me another prescription for Vicadin, and set up an appointment for me with a specialist to have a root canal.
I'm not worried about it. I've had one before, and it was a breeze for me. I don't see why people complain about them.
As for going to the Dentist yourself...I dunno.
One reason I started having all these dental problems was because I waited so long between visits....several years in fact (this was some years ago, too)
But, it seems that everytime he fixes one problem, all of a sudden, he finds another....which has me suspicious.
Well, at any rate...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!