You must never underestimate the usefullness of good old white bread. Trying to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich on a hotdog bun just doesn't work very well at all. It'll suffice, if you're breadless, but you don't want to be. Also, I must say that chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup work wonderfully. I should box that idea, like the good man from Imitation of Life suggests! Even though it was slightly different, kind of.
Also, speaking of Imitation of Life, for some reason, oh, about a year ago I was bored and took a picture of the Claudette Colbert version on TCM. One of those is now my new avatar. You're welcome.
Also, speaking of Imitation of Life, for some reason, oh, about a year ago I was bored and took a picture of the Claudette Colbert version on TCM. One of those is now my new avatar. You're welcome.
chocolate chips... good
blueberries... better