for naught do I play!
for naught do I write!
utter nonsense do I speak!

Someone asked what time is it
and another answered,
"Time is a not fully abstract concept that measures speed over distance!"

Then I looked at my watch and said,
"My watch shows 3:32 PM."

Which is completely correct as watches usaully cannot say anything so you cannot be correct in...
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my head looked like a q-tip

keep ranting and raving my friend
one day you will feel better

Hmmm...I have a decision. I just saw two who I will call Boxhead, for he's not too bright but energetic not that he's anything shaped as a box, and Suit, by the way does wear nice $$$$$ suits, who I know for a fact is a scare-ass real life bad for your whole damn family and is very bright.
Now do I nonchalantly greet these...
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I friggen have to sleep yet my sleep pattern has been altered too much. Just have to lie down and wait for morning. See, I have stayed up late, late for me has turned out to be 4 or 6 AM, for the past two weeks. Unbalanced mental capacity is my reward. I can actually tell my brain is slower and cranky like it needs...
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God said, "somethong"--that's right--THONG!
So I put one on.
Now I'm saying, "Why?"
There's no mention of thong wearing in the bible!

Anyways, that did not work out so hot. It takes an awful long time to get used to it wedging up. Next time I might try letting myself dress me.

Just something to lead into the next...

Yeah, yeah! Just stupidiko unfunny. Most...
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what the fuck!!!

This site is the most unstable site ever!

I just hit the "save entry" button and it re-directed me to the log-in page after I finished re-typing my journal. Before that it re-directed me to a blank update page after I type my journal!

I am starting to form the idea I may not like this site after all.

I might start...
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Like a pair of army glasses, this pic outta keep the gals away! Me ole dentist said I have well used choppers--they have little ridges on 'em. (It'd be better if there weren't as big ridges. Suppose the dentist could smooth 'em.) The better to saw my food, dearies!

Then the home became infested with my lack of domestic dutyship. Clean clothes not put away,...
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funny, here you are writing lots nearing the brink of sleep. i could only simply make a matrix reference. i honestly don't even remember making the journal entry and changing the pic. i thought i went right to sleep after i got home from a night/day/night of serious video game playing (champions) w/ my bitch.
oh and the pug, ginger is andrea's - a super moody pug that acts more like a cat rather than a dog, but if she lets you in, you're hooked, but i'm sure you maybe more interested in the game.
After utility, clothing is costume. Remove at will or dress to present. Does not matter what you wear--your true self will come right out wether you like it or not so dress interestingly or at least on purpose. If you lack choice or do not choose then what ever you end up wearing becomes a part of your image until taken off. Taking it off...
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ok, as we all know, 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 = 1

that's well and fine, however...

1/3 in decimal is .3 repeating.

.3 repeating
.3 repeating
+ .3 repeating
.9 repeating

but .9 repeating != 1

the only logical conclusion is that the number one is really only theoretically equal to one. and if the number one is flawed, well then, what does that say about an entire system of math that is based off it?

...and as far as i know there is no limit to how much you can post. so go nuts!
IF that is true then how is it that 1+1+1=3 but 1+1+1=1?

And my math teacher is stumped after I had to explain the troubling equation using apples and an analogy involving the difference between a steel and an iron forge. I still have not clear head over this one.

Math is flawed? I agree, especially when using larger numbers, long strings, looping frequencies, radio galaxies, light speed, time travel, quantum physics...the whole lot! Only trust a real number under a million. Even then you're taking chances. Frackky Einstein, he got one bit right and messed the rest, worse we all believed the entire genius babble.

Trial and error. Even the light bulb had many times over a thousand older brothers that did not work right.

And Microsoft Windows still is not the best. Security holes and crash threats. Why do we rely on such shoddy number technology?

How humans used numbers to get the moon is more of a miracle then good technology. Remember some test pilots had very short life spans and astronauts continue to perish using things based on math.

And to think my car is a beater and has a death rattle and putters on. Miracle, I tell ya!

So what we learn? Not to buy a US space shuttle to get to France! Too bad the SST series Concordes had huge spectacular problematic crashes. Or was it also immensely pricey to keep those jets flying. Fuel and maintenance had to be ridiculous money pits. (Tickets averaged over $1500 one way.) I would have loved seeing the curve of the earth from low orbit. There's a retired SST here in a museum. Its pretty neat.

[Edited on Feb 19, 2005 1:34AM]
Damn! Damn! Damn! I am boring. Damnit! I really don't do any damn thing Bad anymore. (the one exception is my personal requirement for sanity and makes me insane at the same time yet due to current situations has a real low chance of expansion). Now by "bad" I mean I really have only a vague notion of bad being something that harms another. Psycho-babble...
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I was told to join and I did resist for sometime, yet she told me there would be nudies to look at so here I am and there they are. My pet project for a personal pic was put on hold so I found a different pic to post as me. I night scope myself yet it automaticlly false-colored schemed the first pic when I...
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