I'm thinking of having the super computer, Big Blue, fill in my comments at a steady pace. That way I would not have to do my own thinking.
I actually talked to it (online) at the University. It wasn't quite what I expected (clunky return on responses) but it could do some wonderful logic even in spite of language. It told me it could whip my ass in chess. Can ya believe that! A computer with attitude! Supposedly its first learning challenge was a game with a chess grandmaster. It took a lot of fiddling for it to actual choose its moves and many people thought that the programmers were (not intentionally--they had to do some real-time programming as it had no code to play chess in the first place) the ones really responsible for the computer's choice of moves. Its first game it lost. Second, it had a draw which was challenged by the grandmaster (I forgot who played against Big Blue) as the programmers had their fingers fiddling in it. It finally won one which again was challenged. Much later, after the grandmaster was disgusted with the whole experiment and left, the computer started figuring out the game. It doesn't play like a regular computer chess game (which many, by the way, can now play like a perfect grandmaster if the level is set high enough). It plays similar to a human with a computer back-up (it remembers every game strategy it has ever played).
So if I can get it to take over the world maybe I'll get some shuteye. And someone actually asked it if it wants to play "Global Nuclear War". It asked us why it gets that question all the time and declined! Everyone almost died laughing! The damn computer cracked a joke back on us. Yeah, there were some skeptics among the crowd. It was hard to believe a computer, even a "super" one, could be fast and handy with language. Some suggested we were all being spoofed by a human geek on the other end. Yet it could not figure out a few simple questions or define some words for itself and asked for clarification a couple times on basic language. the engineers said it only does language and mainly games like chess, checkers, etc. (it cheats at cards, it counts, so its builders stopped teaching it cards). It doesn't do anything else a regular super computer does like compile the human genome codes, or high quantum calculations, or even run corporations. It just does simple self-learning, it "talks", and play games on its own. It is eerie only in the fact that it can talk rather good and understands most of what we say to it. It did not seem like a "dominate the world" type from sci-fi movies. I could not see it taking over anything. it still was a bit dumb in quite a few other areas--it wasn't sentient, not self aware. It could do some things awesomely, plays great board games, but other than that it really talked too much.
I actually talked to it (online) at the University. It wasn't quite what I expected (clunky return on responses) but it could do some wonderful logic even in spite of language. It told me it could whip my ass in chess. Can ya believe that! A computer with attitude! Supposedly its first learning challenge was a game with a chess grandmaster. It took a lot of fiddling for it to actual choose its moves and many people thought that the programmers were (not intentionally--they had to do some real-time programming as it had no code to play chess in the first place) the ones really responsible for the computer's choice of moves. Its first game it lost. Second, it had a draw which was challenged by the grandmaster (I forgot who played against Big Blue) as the programmers had their fingers fiddling in it. It finally won one which again was challenged. Much later, after the grandmaster was disgusted with the whole experiment and left, the computer started figuring out the game. It doesn't play like a regular computer chess game (which many, by the way, can now play like a perfect grandmaster if the level is set high enough). It plays similar to a human with a computer back-up (it remembers every game strategy it has ever played).
So if I can get it to take over the world maybe I'll get some shuteye. And someone actually asked it if it wants to play "Global Nuclear War". It asked us why it gets that question all the time and declined! Everyone almost died laughing! The damn computer cracked a joke back on us. Yeah, there were some skeptics among the crowd. It was hard to believe a computer, even a "super" one, could be fast and handy with language. Some suggested we were all being spoofed by a human geek on the other end. Yet it could not figure out a few simple questions or define some words for itself and asked for clarification a couple times on basic language. the engineers said it only does language and mainly games like chess, checkers, etc. (it cheats at cards, it counts, so its builders stopped teaching it cards). It doesn't do anything else a regular super computer does like compile the human genome codes, or high quantum calculations, or even run corporations. It just does simple self-learning, it "talks", and play games on its own. It is eerie only in the fact that it can talk rather good and understands most of what we say to it. It did not seem like a "dominate the world" type from sci-fi movies. I could not see it taking over anything. it still was a bit dumb in quite a few other areas--it wasn't sentient, not self aware. It could do some things awesomely, plays great board games, but other than that it really talked too much.