The last two days were supposed to be a celebration. Instead they were days of sadness, grief and remembering. However they were also days of love, compassion and smiles. Today was the funeral for my Uncle Lou. I didn't think I could cry like that. I don't think I have been this sad in a very long time. Yet at the same time I know he wouldn't of wanted me crying for him. He is in a better place and will remain in my heart as well as the hearts of my family forever. RIP Lou July 17th 1954-August 13th 2010.
On a somewhat happier note, I am now 22! No it wasn't how I wanted to celebrate my birthday but I still loved seeing my family. Especially family that live so far away. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day as I start it out with placement testing for school at 830 in the morning. UGH!! It will be followed by a 8 hour work day. For the love of god let me get through it with out breaking down.

On a somewhat happier note, I am now 22! No it wasn't how I wanted to celebrate my birthday but I still loved seeing my family. Especially family that live so far away. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day as I start it out with placement testing for school at 830 in the morning. UGH!! It will be followed by a 8 hour work day. For the love of god let me get through it with out breaking down.
I'm sorry about your Uncle. You're right though, he's in a better place now and probably having tons of fun too! Happy belated birthday and good luck on your placement testing!