The words of others may give you direction
They might lead you on the right path
Those words that bring you back from the edge
That simple limerick that lets you know you're not alone
The real truth though is that it is your words
Your words are the only words you really need.
Older poem I did. But it seem to fit my mood real well today. Although it is awesome that for the next week about I get to crash at my sisters place and take care of her dog while she is out of town.
Side note here. If anyone knows of anyplace with job openings in Madison, WI. I could use the info. Thanks.
They might lead you on the right path
Those words that bring you back from the edge
That simple limerick that lets you know you're not alone
The real truth though is that it is your words
Your words are the only words you really need.
Older poem I did. But it seem to fit my mood real well today. Although it is awesome that for the next week about I get to crash at my sisters place and take care of her dog while she is out of town.
Side note here. If anyone knows of anyplace with job openings in Madison, WI. I could use the info. Thanks.
Great!! I liked your blog
. thanks for add, it's a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to reading you!

Thank you very much. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I look foward to having you read my blog as well as checking out any posts you make.