Note found at Midtown Billiards:
my friend deaf and I need a ride home But we are going to pay you gas.
I'm in a truck w/ 4 people.
my car is at home
Little Rock police is hot.
I'm trying my best to follow you through the thread. I had no idea about FEMA cutting the lines. No idea about the diesel ship. Maybe you could have offered up that info in a news post earlier. It's information people need to know.
It's a desperate situation and we're all scared. Hope all is well with you and those you care about.
Great Bragg line in the Hometown line btw.
[Edited on Sep 05, 2005 11:55PM]
What's scary is I know where that bar is & what's even more scarier is I know what kind of bar that is.
But she IM'd me earlier she's alive & well & keepin the spirits up with that southern decadence pride festival going on right now.