Thanks for the well wishes, everyone, I know I've been a little slack about responding to everyone, but I do appreciate it.
The good news is that at least as of Wednesday morning, NOAA updated its satellite path and I have pretty good 3 meter imaging and my house is still there. More importantly the roof seems to be intact and the back deck is not underwater which should mean the house itself isn't flooded. My garage roof even seems intact which I'm kind of surprised about. There is still water in the neighborhood, but it doesn't seem to be too deep. Unfortunately there are at least two buildings a block away from me that are more or less rubble.
In my darker moods I've contemplated just fucking off to my mom's and sitting in a beach chair with a beer in my hand and my feet in the sand watching the tide go in and out until it gets too cold for short sleeves. The simple fact of the matter, however, is that I'm a stubborn motherfucker and my heart is in New Orleans, and I know as much as I might contemplate giving up or giving in, the second they let us back I'l be second-lining my ass right back into the city with my back field in motion.
Look for the skinny white boy with the handkerchief.
Addendum Apropos of Nothing:
Its quite rare to find a cover band that can do Slade, Pink Floyd, Skynyrd, The Black Eyed Peas, Motorhead, U2, The Stones, and the Police.
Addendum to the addendum:
This mix rocks. I want to lick its author.
The good news is that at least as of Wednesday morning, NOAA updated its satellite path and I have pretty good 3 meter imaging and my house is still there. More importantly the roof seems to be intact and the back deck is not underwater which should mean the house itself isn't flooded. My garage roof even seems intact which I'm kind of surprised about. There is still water in the neighborhood, but it doesn't seem to be too deep. Unfortunately there are at least two buildings a block away from me that are more or less rubble.
In my darker moods I've contemplated just fucking off to my mom's and sitting in a beach chair with a beer in my hand and my feet in the sand watching the tide go in and out until it gets too cold for short sleeves. The simple fact of the matter, however, is that I'm a stubborn motherfucker and my heart is in New Orleans, and I know as much as I might contemplate giving up or giving in, the second they let us back I'l be second-lining my ass right back into the city with my back field in motion.
Look for the skinny white boy with the handkerchief.
Addendum Apropos of Nothing:
Its quite rare to find a cover band that can do Slade, Pink Floyd, Skynyrd, The Black Eyed Peas, Motorhead, U2, The Stones, and the Police.
Addendum to the addendum:
This mix rocks. I want to lick its author.
Any pointers?