Exam is done and I'm pretty confident I passed. Law students still don't fucking flush. I would be happier but for the exhaustion and the fact that some dipshits stole a bunch of stuff out of my yard that was going to go into the garage but hadn't quite made it owing to the studying. Nothing valuable (I don't think, it was all in boxes) but some of it likely had sentimental value and it was all tools and such meaning I will probably not notice what was actually stolen until I go to use it and cant find it.
I was tired and happy, now I am tired and crabby.
Drink, nap, drink is the order of the day from here on out.
I was tired and happy, now I am tired and crabby.
Drink, nap, drink is the order of the day from here on out.
I've not done any cleaning, but I've not been here much lately either.
Well, congrats on the exam, at any rate.