I dispense a lot of unsolicited advice (and its good, so you all should heed it), about families and relationships and life, and yet, like Cassandra in reverse I completely can't apply it in the moment to my own life.
My family is crazy, and they make me crazy, and somehow, I'm powerless to stop them.
Fortunately, craziness was deftly navigated until Christmas was officially over, making the actual holiday fairly pleasant. And if by any chance you're wondering where the contents of Toy's R Us have gone to, the answer is my house.
Hope everyone had a cool yule.
My family is crazy, and they make me crazy, and somehow, I'm powerless to stop them.
Fortunately, craziness was deftly navigated until Christmas was officially over, making the actual holiday fairly pleasant. And if by any chance you're wondering where the contents of Toy's R Us have gone to, the answer is my house.
Hope everyone had a cool yule.
Hope things weren't too damn crazy for you this christmas. Between relatives, in-laws and the baby, i'm sure it could get quite hectic.