We believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God and the final authority on faith and practice.
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Wednesday Mar 21, 2007
Happiness is thinking,"I haven't seen that movie in a while..." and i… -
Tuesday Mar 20, 2007
So, yeah, Blu Ray is all its cracked up to be. Bring on David Lean. -
Thursday Feb 01, 2007
Won't group. Won't kill crap. Bad mojo. At least its a hassle to clea… -
Friday Jan 26, 2007
The suck seems to have abated. Bring on the weekend. -
Monday Jan 22, 2007
And the suck just keeps on coming. -
Saturday Dec 30, 2006
So there's a guy auctioning off a $20 bill on E Bay. No big deal, ha… -
Monday Dec 25, 2006
Wait awhile eternity Old mother natures got nothing on me Come to m… -
Thursday Dec 21, 2006
After seven years you'd think that the fact that I'd reconcile myself… -
Monday Nov 20, 2006
I am cold, and my hand hurts, but I get to fry a turkey this week. I… -
Saturday Nov 11, 2006
I'm just waiting for the GOP to push to kill the filibuster, again. …
What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment and you just don't get a lot of Creationist whackos on SG. At least not many that'll speak up.