If its tourist season, what's the bag limit? A terrible joke, I know, but I was in the belly of the beast today. Fortunately, Big Nick is still my friend.
On an unrelated note, Santa brought me:
A New Orleans weight overcoat
A scarf with pockets
A lifetime supply of chamapgne coupes
The Muppet Show: Season One
A doormat shaped like an NYC manhole cover.
A little late, I know, but Christmas has become more of a process than a discrete holiday 'round these parts.
And you?
On an unrelated note, Santa brought me:
A New Orleans weight overcoat
A scarf with pockets
A lifetime supply of chamapgne coupes
The Muppet Show: Season One
A doormat shaped like an NYC manhole cover.
A little late, I know, but Christmas has become more of a process than a discrete holiday 'round these parts.
And you?
Happy New Year!
Hope you and the family have a great '06.
(And one far less dictated by a pissed of Mother Nature.)