It's been a good few days of networking, meeting new people in this sleepy old town. Thursday I met somebody out climbing and ended up going to see a bluegrass band with her and a bunch of friends. Last night I went out to this art event at Space Gallery. Rachel invited me, but then it turns out she was volunteering and her family was there, so she was completely ignoring me. So I decided to leave her there and meet up with some friends of mine and their friends. I must have met about 25 new cool people and had a really great time. And I think it made Rachel jealous that I was having such fun without her, because by the end of the night she was coming up to me and my friends and sitting close and flirting. I wasn't having any of it though because I was a little pissed off with her. Anyway, when we finally left to go out drinking, Rachel caught up with me and tried to sneak me a kiss goodbye and all. Whatever. I'm getting pretty sick of her petty little games, so I was having more fun hanging out with normal people. I got pretty trashed. Today: more climbing, possible dinner with my sister and her boyfriend, possible hanging out with Graycen. That's all for now, kiddos. I swear I'll catch up on commenting on your journals soon. I've just been busy busy busy.
good on you. 

You ever listen to the Bluegrass tribute to Led Zeppelin, called "Pick'n on Zeppelin"? If not I highly recommend it. It is all instrumental, good if you like bluegrass or Zeppelin.
Glad you're having fun! Fuckn' A!