On the road again today. It was a long day yesterday..over 600 miles and 18 stops....
. So I kinda started later than usual today. That and I slept next to none last night. To many nightmares. Im starting to feel like I live in a Freddy Movie.....
That and Im just feeling really alone lately. I have been diabetic for 17 years and wear a pump.....but I dont know a single person with diabeties...........or that wears a pump. Strange huh?
Seems like Rose, the girl I met, never had any intentions of getting to know me...........she's just like all the others....I just wish she would have been honest from the start........it would have made things a bit easier.
I hope you all are doing well today........just know that some where out in the vastness of this world....some one is thinking of you all.....and I really hope things work out for all of you....in all of your different situations.
later all.

That and Im just feeling really alone lately. I have been diabetic for 17 years and wear a pump.....but I dont know a single person with diabeties...........or that wears a pump. Strange huh?
Seems like Rose, the girl I met, never had any intentions of getting to know me...........she's just like all the others....I just wish she would have been honest from the start........it would have made things a bit easier.
I hope you all are doing well today........just know that some where out in the vastness of this world....some one is thinking of you all.....and I really hope things work out for all of you....in all of your different situations.
later all.