Yesterday exam went super bad :'( I was too nervous, i messed up the second station, couldn't get it out of my head. Every other station (there were 16 in all) i just coulnd't think straight. I never failed an exam in my whole life. Never. I always been in the best of my class. But now, the most important exam ever, i miss. The written part is on monday, i don't even want to go. I need to pass both part to get my licence. I'm gonna go anyway, to know what to expect next time. I'm so sure i failed.
Sorry for the english speakers, i need to vent, and it's easier for me en franais.
J'ai tudi, revis, rflchi, fait des mises en situations tout l't. J'ai essay de tout voir, de tout prvoir. Mais finalement, c'est mes putains de nerfs qui ont eu raison. Qu'est ce que j'aurais pu faire de plus? Prendre des calmants avant le dbut du parcours? J'ai tellement pleur, je me sens humilie, inadquate, je me sens nulle. J'ai de la peine d'avoir tant travaill pour en arriver la. Maudit bordel!
In other news, i'm starting laser on my arm soon, getting a cover up of my ugly old arm
I know exactly what i want, been planning this for years now, i'm super excited! I'm not sure who i want to choose to do it for me... Maybe the same artist that did my chest... But if i go with her, i'm not sure it's for the good reason. I'm very shy about this. I hate this tattoo, i want it covered up so i can be proud of my ink. I have in my head the vision of what i want. I know it sucks and i dont like to show it to skilled people. So if i go with her, it's because she knows me, and won't say stupid stuff, or pass remarks i'm already aware of
But i'm not sure she's the best one out there... She's very good, don't get me wrong! She's super skilled, but she is a bit ... mmm... boring? Not boring. I can't find the word i'm looking for! There's nothing new in what she does. It all been seen before... And i want exactly what i want, which is not very traditionnal. And this time, i want it to be perfect. Perfect so i can wear t-shirts and tanktops
Maybe i'll post picture as i go... We'll see!
Sorry for the english speakers, i need to vent, and it's easier for me en franais.
J'ai tudi, revis, rflchi, fait des mises en situations tout l't. J'ai essay de tout voir, de tout prvoir. Mais finalement, c'est mes putains de nerfs qui ont eu raison. Qu'est ce que j'aurais pu faire de plus? Prendre des calmants avant le dbut du parcours? J'ai tellement pleur, je me sens humilie, inadquate, je me sens nulle. J'ai de la peine d'avoir tant travaill pour en arriver la. Maudit bordel!
In other news, i'm starting laser on my arm soon, getting a cover up of my ugly old arm

Maybe i'll post picture as i go... We'll see!

Dsol d'entendre que le moral n'est pas au rendez vous, quand les nerfs lchent, c'est rarement au bon moment, j'espre que tu reprendras du poil de la bte rapidement, mais je ne m'inquites pas pour a, tu sembles tre quelq'un plein de ressources.
Merci encore mille fois pour l'hbergement et le reste, je reviens certainement Montreal l'anne prochaine pour la conv, il semblerait que le report leur a beaucoup plu
et embrasse le goret de ma part