Well it was a good weekend first my cold is almost gone it wasent that bad of one but also its only the start of the fall. Second one of my brothers called me for Iraq hes a marine and its his second time there i wish him well and i will see him soon. Third of all my other brother called me and said that he might be getting a new job as chef editor of photo at some magazine place. Fourth off my cousin just got out of boot camp for the marines so it was good to talk to him and i saved the best for last im from cali i was born and raised there so i was brought up on carl's Jr., Jack in the box, In and Out, and my favorite Del Taco. So i was driving towards Detriot MI and my heart droped They just opened a Del Taco i was in shock i call my of my many brothers and told him and then i sent him a camra phone pic to him. I got 4 tacos and 2 buritos for 4 dollars. i only ate 2 tacos saving the rest for tomrrow before work yea yea yea

But yes, I was left wondering if I walked in with a natural hair colour and no piercings if I would have been treated in the same way. Who knows, doctors always seem really bored to me, anyway.