haven't updated in a while... not much going on. The sun is officially my mortal enemy, I can't go out for more than 30 minutes without feeling sick to my stomach for the rest of the day. It doesn't matter if I wear SPF 60 or SPF one billion. Bah, I think I was destined to be nocturnal.
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 23, 2006
Holy shit. I haven't posted since June. God, I'm lame. Not much is… -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
I got in a car accident yesterday. It was my first. I was looking f… -
Friday May 19, 2006
Still moving... jeez this is the longest move ever... going on six mo… -
Friday May 12, 2006
Twwly and Fractal in one day!?! I think i"m in heaven -
Thursday May 04, 2006
Sometimes I just can't handle criticism. Sigh... I'm burnt out on … -
Saturday Mar 18, 2006
Just saw V for Vendetta last night and it was fucking awesome. I wis… -
Tuesday Mar 14, 2006
Alrighty.. I reactivated my account with the pledge that I will spen… -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2006
First update in months. My life is absolutely crazy. I got my degre… -
Tuesday Oct 11, 2005
Geez my life is chaotic. I have an opening on friday. I've been fig… -
Sunday Sep 25, 2005
Ok, so I quit the vegan thing as of last night. All the hardcore veg…
I came here through the subtraction thread, i said alot of stuff but i clicked somthing and it all got deleted =(
i think it was somthing to the effect of the thread was rampant with fighting that i coudlnt stop because everyone wanted to fight about stupid stuff that had nothing to do with subtraction and then it was cleared and you introduced alot of interesting things and then your post was answered which in turn answered my question so that was awesome
and then i was going to say i saw your half sleeve and thought it was AWESOME I love princess mononoke, i want to get a hood like the Prince Ashitaka's made cos its SCHWEET, i love anime
anyway good luck witht he sun sucking, let me say (although your older than me so im sure you know this) sun sucks ass, and theres no escape, you would think if its going to be an asshole that it would atleast give us like a 0 emissions fule or somthine,....