I just had to post this somewhere.
So like this crush I have right? She has a bf and what not. So today at work I was able to roam around and talk to her every now and then. She did something hilarious with a microphone and made a noise. I hope the customers didn't mind it lol. Well anyways after work I finally got...
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So I guess one can have too many favorites lol

Just a quick update, I've been sick the past week and haven't really been around anything other than my bed lol and I guess work :/
Annnd I guess facebook also. Other than that I thought I'd lost all hope on my crush ... but that feeling is still there. If only I could compete...
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I should just ramble.
All I have are like two friends to hang out with; my friend and his fiance. How lame ... every now and then it gets all third wheel like a Mo!
So yeah I have another best friend ... the jerk is just so fucken zig zaggy with his female friends. One minute he's all moral and the next month...
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Yeah, ... that's going to be fun. Although something tells me it won't be so bad. I just have to deal with the current situation of one of my best friends. He says he's over her ... I have yet to believe him.
thanks for the comment on my set. funny youre from palmdale. i was just there seeing family for 12 days. way too hotbiggrin
^.^ I'm pretty happy. I got a little drunk with 2 friends and went to Wal-Mart. So then at Wal-Mart these girls were skipping so I decided that I'm going to skip too! Well the girls just laughed and gave me a high fived. *Sigh* good times.
That being said... everyone go and skip and high five everyone! lol

So how's about a new post?
It's been almost 2 months now on here, havne't really been super active really, but being stuck inside kinda made me a bit more active. It's SUPER HOT OUTSIDE! I Don't have A/C frown so sad.
I used to write SOOOOoo much! I used to write Poetry and what not.
That was soo long ago though.
Only recently have...
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Thank You!!! smile
You're welcome! smile Thanks for the smiles! *cheers*
Alright... well... it's been about a week I guess, I really like this place, I still haven't jumped in any conversations really but whatever it takes time I suppose. On the other hand I get the feeling I should say FUCK IT and just jump right in anyway without a care lol

I like to do that every now and then just to see everyone's...
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Well I just joined here yesterday, hopefully it's all good and gravy. There are a lot of things to click on. What do I do next?