Man... what the hell would I do if the end of the world happened?
I had hoped there would be a brothel nearby but it would seem the nearest one would be too far away before everyone had already ransacked it.
I had a dream one time about the moon falling towards Earth. It was crazy. Very much like in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. So in the dream I decided to get my car keys and call out to my dad to get us out of the house. Where the fuck would we go? Shit man i don't know. lol But we were gonna go somewhere. That's where the dream ends skipping any other detail.
But still... wtf would I even do? It's sad to think about because the only thing I would be able to do is call whoever and tell them I love them...
I hate that thought. I'm sure a lot of people would be in the same situation though.
Which makes me kinda think about this picture I saw about a bar advertisement on how people should stop posting their problems on social media and go to a bar and talk about them.
Fuuuuuck man... can't we all come together? I mean as a whole, you know? I'd give every mother fucker reading this a hug. *hug*
- Reno1