Phew it's been a while since a blog! Well thanks for everybody that wished me a Happy B-Day, though it was weeks ago. Especially Vanessa who has been nothing but sweet to me. She's my favorite honorary Asian girl. Okay, well nothing new, but a horrible fever and cold during the holiday and new years day. I'm still coughing. I started school last Tues, morning classes are kicking my ass. Fucking books are insanely expensive. Had a cancelled Tattoo appointment due to a fucking California storm.
I hope that year 08 will be a good one. I hope that I will gain some new perspective on the things that matter the most. Each year of aging I hope to gain insight and become more wise. I want to become more educated and more sensible. I lust for this in my heart. I hope I save more money, though that is impossible as long as American Apparel still exist. I hope that all of you guys will have a good year. I'm in the evil coffee shop right now while I'm writing this so I will share some macbook pics.
I hope that year 08 will be a good one. I hope that I will gain some new perspective on the things that matter the most. Each year of aging I hope to gain insight and become more wise. I want to become more educated and more sensible. I lust for this in my heart. I hope I save more money, though that is impossible as long as American Apparel still exist. I hope that all of you guys will have a good year. I'm in the evil coffee shop right now while I'm writing this so I will share some macbook pics.
Everyone I know has been sick in the past two weeks. Ohio weather, as mediated by global warming, is insane. I can't wait to get out of this miserable part of the globe!
So you're an American Apparel addict huh?