moving on/up/out again.
one would think that with as much time as i spend with my world in a state of flux/disarray i would be popping pills like my life were depending on it. i'm actually pretty calm, all things considered.
we left "home" (i really wanted it to be home) back in November. literally a few days before the holiday. Alex has been with my family. i moved in with someone else. rapidly learned that it was the worst possible idea ever. and last week, i left. i would honestly rather be on the street than continue to deal with those people. so i'm picking up a little motel suite/efficiency apartment for truckers. means i can continue my plan of saving money and paying bills. without all of the crazy and the stress.
in other news...
started talking to someone. actually, Halloween weekend. we've never actually met. i find him charming and funny and fascinating. i don't hold onto the hope that we'll actually meet anytime soon. we had planned for a weekend before the holidays but it was cancelled due to snow and ice. currently we're trying for the beginning of February.
i'm down a pants size over the last six months. i honestly believe it's due mostly to the stress of my life. between moving and dating and generally just freaking out. but i'll take it. now to get down a few more (which is where i was before i started getting lazy)...