if i were a SG, id want to do a set with Zoey

plain and simple.

who would YOU do a set with?

im looking for photographers now to do my set, and still thinking about ideas.

im still staying with my friends, and i OFFICALLY have a place, its mine! i move in oct. 10th. oh snap! so im pretty much still stoked, job is still going well, still in debt a bit too. alwell.

im doing a photoshoot this sunday, and next saturday for 2 local bands, that im really close with. we have some awesome ideas, just hope...
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Thank you wink
so my heart was broken today. my favorite local band ever, are breaking up. LAST DAY ALIVE . they are the bandthat got my into local music. they are my friends. they played my 21st party. im just so sad. i have nothing else to say. just that im totally sad, depressed, and heartbroken frown