finding a new place... yay!

It's over with me and the boy, but I'm ok with this... oddly enough.

The only annoying part is still living with him awkwardly (although friendly) until I can move out.

kiss love you all, but this will probably be my last SG post for a loooooong time, because once I move, I'll not have internet, just the lovely iPhone.

I made brownies today... They're not very tastey, but the world has gone fuzzy.

Tee hee.
just put some chocolate syrup on them tongue
chocolate syrup for the win!
I got an iPhone! Now I feel like an adult. Let's hope I can pay for it. lol.
life has been pretty hectic lately. lots of stuff going on at work, and trying to finish classes for this semester. I'm debating on what I'll do when I transfer to state. I'm not sure if I should actually transfer to a fashion major, or if I should just finish my theatre major. I know the fashion major would take a few more years, like...
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That sucks frown just take a long nap and drink some hot cocoa, that usually makes me feel better.
Went to the Legion of Honor yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful. I've not been to a museum recently and was rather itching to go. Walked quite a bit and almost wanted to kill myself (why does everything cool in San Francisco have to be on top of a huge hill?) and was of course, nice and damp after arriving at the museum (because we never...
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good luck on the umbrella biggrin glad we got back in touch too
Today is a day of accomplishments. I just want to share that I reached a personal mile-marker today. And for that, I am pleased. Let's hope the rest of the day goes just as well!

I feel like not too many people have a dire interest in my SG blog, so I'm going to use it as a fitness blog, with the occasional outside comments.

Today I ate:
Breakfast: one fried egg, one slice of dry white toast, no butter or jam.. just dipped in the yolk.. yum.
Lunch: Veggie Wrap (spinach wrap with cucumber, red pepper, lettuce, carrots, caesar...
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Success... it's been a week, and I've been faithfully spending time with the Wii Fit.

The results so far? 5 lbs lost.

Other new habits? Snacking on grapes, cantaloupe, pineapple, oranges and edamame.


So here comes the new resolution... Dan and I got a Wii Fit today.. and we've promised to work out together with it. Should be fun... ish? We'll see how this works.
So that week ended well. I made it to two giants/brewers games, we lost the first one, but won the second! yay! I also got to see fireworks. My interview went well. So well, that I got my job! I'm now the official merchandiser of the kids floor in the largest old navy in the country! Huzzah. That will be so healthy a pay raise...
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Congrats on the jobbiggrin that dinning room looks so romanticlove Hope you had a great anniversarywink