...um...so...yeah, another day. as of lately i've been riding my bike around the lake. the last time i was there some old guy barked at me for going too slow.
another year is upon us and sadly i've been working the whole time. so i've already set my new year's resolution:
jokes, but i will get out more. i'm no longer a stranger...
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another year is upon us and sadly i've been working the whole time. so i've already set my new year's resolution:

jokes, but i will get out more. i'm no longer a stranger...
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Wow, it's been awhile. Finally getting to see the town. HAHA it's only been 10 months since I moved here. Better late than never I guess. It's ok so far.


WOW! Yeah I didn't even remember messeging you are so late! hehehhhe
Nothing much going on right now. Dillinger Escape Plan is coming so that'll be cool. Other than that life's moving along.

What a geek! In the past week or so I've spent over 48 hours playing Final Fantasy XI Online. I need a life, but it's FUN!

I play too! What's your main handle? I'm saviors. Send me a tell 

I'm saviors. At this moment I'm in Windurst about to leave for Sandy. I'm from Bastok though.
It's raining again?! In the short time that I've been here I've caught flu/pneumonia, food poisoning, crazy allergies, and constant rain. OMEN?! I'm not complaining, but this was supposed to be THE move for me. SO far it hasn't been that great. Maybe I should move out of state. I was watching the GOONIES and STAND BY ME, so Oregon looks really nice! There is...
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I'm not a sociable person, but right now would be a good time for some company. Almost 2 weeks have gone since I've moved in my apartment. Nothing to do but watch the television. BORED and BROKE...two words I always seem to fit in the same sentence. What's worse is that my guitar will not be here for a long while. A friend of mine...
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Anything Goes
I'm in my apartment now! It feels so good to be on my own...FINALLY! I don't have much, but it's a start. I'm off this weekend so I get to spend my time just lounging and enjoying this feeling.

Your picture reminds me of Tool. So I am commenting in your journal. The end.
Rainy day...dream away...

Who are the Lakers?
Yeah, you heard right! HEHE
Who are the Lakers?
Yeah, you heard right! HEHE

David Bowie Rocks! You know growing up he used to scare me, but getting to see him was surreal. I left my friends behind and watched the show bymyself. It was a beutiful evening to watch as he played some familiar hits, new stuff and some rarities. A great show and a night to remember!
"We could be HEROES just for one day"
"We could be HEROES just for one day"


An old (duh!) Ziggy gig came on telly a while ago, I programmed the VCR to tape it but forgot to check that the SCART-chords were connected! I stabbed the neighbours horse and ate it.
[Edited on Apr 27, 2004 2:31PM]
[Edited on Apr 27, 2004 2:31PM]