fuck a duck do i hate my job. i hate how no matter what mood i'm in when i enter, i leave depressed as fuck. and it's not the work; it should be work that i like. i love production jobs. i like seeing how much shit i can get done in the shortest amount of time. dorky as it sounds i dig efficiency in my work.
it's the people. they make me hate unions, which i never thought i would. my coworkers are lazy, thoughtless, self-absorbed pricks and i hate them and i don't like spending my time hating. some are cool, but the culture is terrible. i like to work hard and i'm in a place where that's not appreciated.
i'm not sure what i should do about it. economy sucks so i guess i should be happy to just be employed, but goddamn that's a depressing concept. i'd like to get back to doing comedy, but it ain't really the lifestyle when you've got a wife and kids to support (and by "wife and kids" i mean "girlfriend and dogs").
we're thinking of moving back up to portland just because the opportunities for both of us would be better, though it'd suck to be away from family. i dunno. it's odd that the two things i'm good at (comedy and being a kick-ass production worker) are so disparate. actually, i was always pretty good at the customer service jobs too.
maybe my problem is i'm awesome and i haven't found a workplace i feel deserves my awesomeness. i'm kidding.... sort of.
if you read this whole thing thanks for listening to my rant. i'm in a grumpy mood. and it's only monday. and if you didn't know i work at the post office. it's horrid. use UPS. use email. call someone instead of writing a letter. grrrrr.
it's the people. they make me hate unions, which i never thought i would. my coworkers are lazy, thoughtless, self-absorbed pricks and i hate them and i don't like spending my time hating. some are cool, but the culture is terrible. i like to work hard and i'm in a place where that's not appreciated.
i'm not sure what i should do about it. economy sucks so i guess i should be happy to just be employed, but goddamn that's a depressing concept. i'd like to get back to doing comedy, but it ain't really the lifestyle when you've got a wife and kids to support (and by "wife and kids" i mean "girlfriend and dogs").
we're thinking of moving back up to portland just because the opportunities for both of us would be better, though it'd suck to be away from family. i dunno. it's odd that the two things i'm good at (comedy and being a kick-ass production worker) are so disparate. actually, i was always pretty good at the customer service jobs too.
maybe my problem is i'm awesome and i haven't found a workplace i feel deserves my awesomeness. i'm kidding.... sort of.
if you read this whole thing thanks for listening to my rant. i'm in a grumpy mood. and it's only monday. and if you didn't know i work at the post office. it's horrid. use UPS. use email. call someone instead of writing a letter. grrrrr.

either way, i wish you well!
I bet you and K would be happier in Portland anyhow. Or we could begin a mass exodus to Larkhall, Scotland where I will be living with in 4 months, pessimistically. That would be super cool. But, I have been promised that if I do not like it there at all we get to move backk to Portland. I hate the thought of being so damn far away from friends and family, but I don't make much of an effort here to hang out, so why would it be much different? I cannot wait to go there, either. Shandyowl is awesome and you guys must come to my reception. January 10th, biatch!
Maybe you should try working at a comic book store. You could definitely pull off an interview with a little research, but so long as there is a job you would get it. I think I liked Emerald City comics. Not sure.