so....i quit my job and i'm back to doing's been bittersweet. i really like being funny and clever and, let's be honest, quite good looking on stage, but i don't really care for the social aspect of it.
most of the time it's, "let's hang out, let's get drunk and/or stoned and let's talk about how great and clever we all are, those of us in the room, and mock all the comics that happen to not be here right now." not that i totally fault these kids for not trying to put on our own shows, because this town is definitely not a comic friendly town; everyone here is too goddamned cool for school.
erg......i'm happy to be performing again, just not happy to be performing in portland.
and now a picture of the girl and the dog on a rainy day:
do the "show whole picture" thing to see how adorable they both are.

and now a riveting video of tiny dog on tiny dog action
most of the time it's, "let's hang out, let's get drunk and/or stoned and let's talk about how great and clever we all are, those of us in the room, and mock all the comics that happen to not be here right now." not that i totally fault these kids for not trying to put on our own shows, because this town is definitely not a comic friendly town; everyone here is too goddamned cool for school.
erg......i'm happy to be performing again, just not happy to be performing in portland.
and now a picture of the girl and the dog on a rainy day:
do the "show whole picture" thing to see how adorable they both are.

and now a riveting video of tiny dog on tiny dog action
i drive a hard bargain.