I crushed my mother fuckin' thumb at work. Bad. Like it was stuck in the son of a bitch machine until the light cycle finished (approx. 35 seconds) and all i could do was stare at my thumb and try to imagine the pain not happening. Nobody was in the room to help. Ouch. I need some E.T. help.
It's weird how your thumb being crushed to a one centimeter width will cause it to swell 5X.
also, Casino Royale sucked. I hate Paul Haggis. Daniel Craig was fine, but the movie...
It's weird how your thumb being crushed to a one centimeter width will cause it to swell 5X.
also, Casino Royale sucked. I hate Paul Haggis. Daniel Craig was fine, but the movie...

Sorry about the thumb, I left a comment on your last blog before this one went up.