Some days I just dont want to be me. Does anyone else feel that way? I dont want to be responsible, I dont want to be kind, and I would rather not do anything but eat junk food and play video games.... or read Harry Potter Books. I guess it means I would rather be selfish and irresponsible. Not nice traits
Everything seems a little overwhelming some days, and instead of enjoying the challenge I get fazed by silly things. I started the last few days with such focus and energy, but I think I forget to have fun, or at least smile
Balance. It all comes down to balance. Im not good at balancing grown up, necessary behavior with letting my hair down, blood pumping behavior. So what's the key?
Thank goodness for patient friends and ever changing circumstances.
And how the hell is it nearly fucking christmas????
So I am sending love and hope to any others out there having a shitty week

Everything seems a little overwhelming some days, and instead of enjoying the challenge I get fazed by silly things. I started the last few days with such focus and energy, but I think I forget to have fun, or at least smile

Balance. It all comes down to balance. Im not good at balancing grown up, necessary behavior with letting my hair down, blood pumping behavior. So what's the key?
Thank goodness for patient friends and ever changing circumstances.
And how the hell is it nearly fucking christmas????
So I am sending love and hope to any others out there having a shitty week

I dont know what to say except thank you. Here's to a better day today!!
Il m'arrive aussi de vouloir oublier le monde et de ne rien faire d'autre que de glandouiller
C'est une faon de s'occuper de moi pour vacuer le trop plein de la vie. Ce n'est pas un comportement goste. Et puis pour tre en mesure d'aider les autres il faut dj tre bien avec soi mme.
Je ne sais pas grand chose de ta vie et ne comprend pas tout ce que tu cris, ce crtin de traducteur google me renvoi qu'approximativement ta pense.
Ou alors celle-ci est si tortueuse que le traducteur devient fou. Moi je dirai tords partags 50 50.
Au fil du temps j'arriverai comprendre un peu plus qui tu es.
Je suis pass par des priodes de doutes, des moments difficiles ou la vie me semblait merdique et aujourd'hui je la trouve sympa.
Voil c'est long et probablement chiant ce que j'ai crit mais au moins tout le monde ne sera pas en mesure de comprendre
Je suis trs curieux de toi
Attention au sang qui monte la tte