How is everyone this week? I have been a very well behaved lady and feeling not too bad. No question winter is here, and christmas. Every store i head to now has more christmas chocolate and gift ideas than i can comprehend. i cant imagine they actually sell it all?! We really are a consumption greedy bunch. I could have gone crazy if I had...
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Freedom. That is what I get from this site... or this world that is Suicide Girls.
I shot my second set yesterday. I tried and tried to think of the right look with my photographer. Months, and I just couldn't find something that could at least be worthy of the way the girls on here are rocking.
So yesterday I was with Helene () my...
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I shot my second set yesterday. I tried and tried to think of the right look with my photographer. Months, and I just couldn't find something that could at least be worthy of the way the girls on here are rocking.
So yesterday I was with Helene () my...
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I have deep faith that your set will be amazing.
Love your new profile pic, and I love the HP books, too.
Haters gotta hate, but they're great books!

Haters gotta hate, but they're great books!

Finally, the day arrived and I met with my photographer today
( The planning has begun for my next set and its rather exciting. I never know how these things will turn out, but its always fun experiencing the process. That sounds so uptight... what I mean is, its fun having a glass of wine with a friend and posing in sexy photos
Self indulgent,...
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so the wait begins. hear hear to self indulgence!
please do self indulge, as it gives us all an opportunity to do the same when we see you!
Tonight, or this morning, there is no suitable category. I need "Failed with a capitol F". Or Fucked. Fucking Failed?
Some days, no matter how fast I try to keep going, the 'demons of evil past' catch up just enough to snag the cloth of my "im ok" shroud.
Tonight they didn't just snag, they really sank their teeth in and would not let go...
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Some days, no matter how fast I try to keep going, the 'demons of evil past' catch up just enough to snag the cloth of my "im ok" shroud.
Tonight they didn't just snag, they really sank their teeth in and would not let go...
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Experience breds fears as well as expectations... So each new try is harder than the one before for the accumulation of fears and expectations
Hug and

Hug and

Sorry to hear things did go as you had hoped. The old sayings are those becuase they are laced with truth. If it was meant to be, it will be. It is still possible for us to fuck it up though even if it is. The path is there for us, but if we choose to walk down it is our decision.
Hard to comment without more info, but Love is a powerful word. Has a lot behind it, but like the word fuck, the meaning can be varied. It is always good when it pops up to clarify which one you mean. I freely say I love people and I do. But to be in love, that is an elusive construct. Very powerful, and rare.
Be strong, don't let your feelings and your mind be your own worst enemy.
Hard to comment without more info, but Love is a powerful word. Has a lot behind it, but like the word fuck, the meaning can be varied. It is always good when it pops up to clarify which one you mean. I freely say I love people and I do. But to be in love, that is an elusive construct. Very powerful, and rare.
Be strong, don't let your feelings and your mind be your own worst enemy.
I cant believe I am still writing things here.
"Isn't it sort of egotistical to write a blog about yourself and expect people to want to read it, specially when they have never met you?" is what I have always thought.
But I actually find it therepeutic and realised no one is forced to fucking read it. There are enough beautiful girls on here that...
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"Isn't it sort of egotistical to write a blog about yourself and expect people to want to read it, specially when they have never met you?" is what I have always thought.
But I actually find it therepeutic and realised no one is forced to fucking read it. There are enough beautiful girls on here that...
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It is good to hear from you and your life. Glad it's been helpful for you to do it.
Its another cold and rainy Monday, winter is most definitely here and flexing its muscles.
I stayed at a friends last night and set off this morning like usual to walk the few miles home, (I love walking) only to discover my trusty old converse have holes in them
By the time i reached my front door I had really perfected the squelchy noise...
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I stayed at a friends last night and set off this morning like usual to walk the few miles home, (I love walking) only to discover my trusty old converse have holes in them

By the time i reached my front door I had really perfected the squelchy noise...
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This week I want tears.
Spend my wet tongue on one cheek and have the taste of salt.
Love violent, forcing the body into links.
The pleasure that flows between the fingers.
Ha ha I am not wise and I like it.
This will be my week and I bit.
Spend my wet tongue on one cheek and have the taste of salt.
Love violent, forcing the body into links.
The pleasure that flows between the fingers.
Ha ha I am not wise and I like it.
This will be my week and I bit.
Warmth has escaped from Portland...

While at times I can still be a stubborn red head with too much pride, I have learnt over the last few years 'when in doubt, ask for help'.
I dont know if I am specifically asking for help, but I will be honest, SG has very quickly become quite an addictive pleasure for me. I love the honesty, even when it stings a little,...
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I dont know if I am specifically asking for help, but I will be honest, SG has very quickly become quite an addictive pleasure for me. I love the honesty, even when it stings a little,...
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You are so beautiful! It's awesome to see more Hopefuls over the age of 30 too 
Sending you a friend Geezer Hopeful to another

Sending you a friend Geezer Hopeful to another

Here's a suggested plan of action:
Put off school until you've built up some capital; in the mean time get Rosetta Stone (which is an awesome program) and learn the basics. After the new year, go to school and you'll do really well because you'll already have a basic understanding. Hell you might already know enough by that time to bypass the bottom end class.
BTW...I'm totally jealous of have the guts to pack up and leave everything behind to start again. I wish I did!
Put off school until you've built up some capital; in the mean time get Rosetta Stone (which is an awesome program) and learn the basics. After the new year, go to school and you'll do really well because you'll already have a basic understanding. Hell you might already know enough by that time to bypass the bottom end class.
BTW...I'm totally jealous of have the guts to pack up and leave everything behind to start again. I wish I did!
How old is too old?
Seriously. I love this site, I feel at home on SG, and I lovvve the girls. Of course all us hopefuls want to go pink, but, with many things in life, you cant always get what you want.
Once in a while when I am writing to someone or commenting on a thread, or checking out the other hopefuls, and...
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Seriously. I love this site, I feel at home on SG, and I lovvve the girls. Of course all us hopefuls want to go pink, but, with many things in life, you cant always get what you want.
Once in a while when I am writing to someone or commenting on a thread, or checking out the other hopefuls, and...
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I think you're only "that person" if you let what everyone else, rather than just the people that matter to you, say. I Find that I have grown older far more than I have grown up, which is fine withme. That's not to say that I don't take care of my responsibilities just that I don;t think that being older than you once were has to make you old before your time.... That's just my opinion on the matter.
Too old for what? Rubbish. You're beautiful, end of story.
the walls are closing in, i cant breathe, fetal position.
I think my Ipod just died. She was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song.
Seriously, i wore it 24/7. She may have been old, but she was reliable. Now she cant even wake up.
I need an ipod...
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I think my Ipod just died. She was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song.
Seriously, i wore it 24/7. She may have been old, but she was reliable. Now she cant even wake up.
I need an ipod...
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Awww, sorry to hear it.
Here's to a miraculous iPod recovery!
Here's to a miraculous iPod recovery!
Thank you for adding me.
Thank you for adding me.
Some days I just dont want to be me. Does anyone else feel that way? I dont want to be responsible, I dont want to be kind, and I would rather not do anything but eat junk food and play video games.... or read Harry Potter Books. I guess it means I would rather be selfish and irresponsible. Not nice traits
Everything seems a little...
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Everything seems a little...
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I dont know what to say except thank you. Here's to a better day today!!

I dont know what to say except thank you. Here's to a better day today!!
Bonjour Renascense,
Il m'arrive aussi de vouloir oublier le monde et de ne rien faire d'autre que de glandouiller
C'est une faon de s'occuper de moi pour vacuer le trop plein de la vie. Ce n'est pas un comportement goste. Et puis pour tre en mesure d'aider les autres il faut dj tre bien avec soi mme.
Je ne sais pas grand chose de ta vie et ne comprend pas tout ce que tu cris, ce crtin de traducteur google me renvoi qu'approximativement ta pense.
Ou alors celle-ci est si tortueuse que le traducteur devient fou. Moi je dirai tords partags 50 50.
Au fil du temps j'arriverai comprendre un peu plus qui tu es.
Je suis pass par des priodes de doutes, des moments difficiles ou la vie me semblait merdique et aujourd'hui je la trouve sympa.
Voil c'est long et probablement chiant ce que j'ai crit mais au moins tout le monde ne sera pas en mesure de comprendre
Je suis trs curieux de toi
Attention au sang qui monte la tte
Il m'arrive aussi de vouloir oublier le monde et de ne rien faire d'autre que de glandouiller

C'est une faon de s'occuper de moi pour vacuer le trop plein de la vie. Ce n'est pas un comportement goste. Et puis pour tre en mesure d'aider les autres il faut dj tre bien avec soi mme.
Je ne sais pas grand chose de ta vie et ne comprend pas tout ce que tu cris, ce crtin de traducteur google me renvoi qu'approximativement ta pense.
Ou alors celle-ci est si tortueuse que le traducteur devient fou. Moi je dirai tords partags 50 50.
Au fil du temps j'arriverai comprendre un peu plus qui tu es.
Je suis pass par des priodes de doutes, des moments difficiles ou la vie me semblait merdique et aujourd'hui je la trouve sympa.
Voil c'est long et probablement chiant ce que j'ai crit mais au moins tout le monde ne sera pas en mesure de comprendre

Je suis trs curieux de toi
Attention au sang qui monte la tte

Well, if you are back. I am not sure... Might also be that an SG bot re-activated your account. Would still be nice if you were back