Allo allo allo
what's goin on 'ere then? write to me and tell me!
So BIG THANK YOU for the excitement about me actually updating for once, the concern and best wishes about my health and the happy birthdayness from everyone, sorry I didn't write back individually again but yes I am still crap at that I'm afraid
*mental note to self - get better at that.
I'm really glad that some of you gurlies out there seem to be heeding my warnings about smoking/birth control etc etc.
I'm feeling much better at the moment actually, I was doing reeeally good throughout August and then had abit of a sucky time again after I fell down in my house at the beginning of Sept!?!? My chest starting hurting a lot and shit but I went to a specialist and he said that thats normal when uve had a pulmonary embolism and can take up to 6 months to go away...I'm sure it was related to me falling down too cuz it was really hard!
Anyways, enough complaining! I gots myself a new job as a server here and its cool, I mean, the people are nice and the money is good, so its all I need really while I'm here trying to sort shit out and save money to go back to Nyc next Feb. (Roll on 2006! - nah just kidding, I shouldnt wish my time away...I just miss it A LOT)
I have been out a couple of times since I've been here in Canada, but its weird...I never really realised how much I do rely on alcohol to have a good time generally. Which sucks cuz thats not the kind of person that I want to be. So I think that the 6 months I'm not allowed to get wasted will be good for me as a person as well as for my body.
Some really fun things that have happened since I've been here are, having my hair coloured for free and getting to do a photoshoot for my hairdresser in a greek restaurant that was all like "ali babba" with loadsa cushions and nooks and crannies and velvet and gold and I'll post a couple of pics at the bottom of this.
Also, I met Rin and cirdt on Tuesday! We went to the Russian Tea House and me and Rin both got psychic readings....she had a much longer future than me! haha j/k
But yeah it was really cool meeting them and hopefully I'll be getting down to hang out with Rin and Lavonne sometime soon.
Ummm...what else? Oh yeah, my bf came up to visit me at the beginning of Sept which was fab, theres not all that much to do here but I took him to the huge mall and showed him the dragon and the pirate ship and the submarines and waterpark and was funny just watching him being like "WHOAH! thats crrrrazyyyyy!" about everything
Mmm...I went to work for dinner tonight cuz I get mad discount and I had garlic shrimp, goat cheese, prime rib, and some chocolate pyramid so I'm stuffed as an egg and I stink of garlic. phewwwwf!
Ok well, enough for now, I WILL write again soon!
<3 Ren x
Currently listening to:I Am The Avalanche - Self Titled I Am The Avalanche
and M.I.A. - Arular
P.S. I just realised 4 outta my current fave SGs are Canadian, whoah! lol
New hair again, huzzah!...

So this isnt actually one of the "proper" pics, the make up artist just took it with her digital in between shots...
[edited cuz as Mo correctly pointed out, my bf did not come to visit me at the beginning of Feb, but actually Sept?!?!
what's goin on 'ere then? write to me and tell me!
So BIG THANK YOU for the excitement about me actually updating for once, the concern and best wishes about my health and the happy birthdayness from everyone, sorry I didn't write back individually again but yes I am still crap at that I'm afraid

I'm really glad that some of you gurlies out there seem to be heeding my warnings about smoking/birth control etc etc.
I'm feeling much better at the moment actually, I was doing reeeally good throughout August and then had abit of a sucky time again after I fell down in my house at the beginning of Sept!?!? My chest starting hurting a lot and shit but I went to a specialist and he said that thats normal when uve had a pulmonary embolism and can take up to 6 months to go away...I'm sure it was related to me falling down too cuz it was really hard!

Anyways, enough complaining! I gots myself a new job as a server here and its cool, I mean, the people are nice and the money is good, so its all I need really while I'm here trying to sort shit out and save money to go back to Nyc next Feb. (Roll on 2006! - nah just kidding, I shouldnt wish my time away...I just miss it A LOT)
I have been out a couple of times since I've been here in Canada, but its weird...I never really realised how much I do rely on alcohol to have a good time generally. Which sucks cuz thats not the kind of person that I want to be. So I think that the 6 months I'm not allowed to get wasted will be good for me as a person as well as for my body.
Some really fun things that have happened since I've been here are, having my hair coloured for free and getting to do a photoshoot for my hairdresser in a greek restaurant that was all like "ali babba" with loadsa cushions and nooks and crannies and velvet and gold and I'll post a couple of pics at the bottom of this.
Also, I met Rin and cirdt on Tuesday! We went to the Russian Tea House and me and Rin both got psychic readings....she had a much longer future than me! haha j/k

Ummm...what else? Oh yeah, my bf came up to visit me at the beginning of Sept which was fab, theres not all that much to do here but I took him to the huge mall and showed him the dragon and the pirate ship and the submarines and waterpark and was funny just watching him being like "WHOAH! thats crrrrazyyyyy!" about everything

Mmm...I went to work for dinner tonight cuz I get mad discount and I had garlic shrimp, goat cheese, prime rib, and some chocolate pyramid so I'm stuffed as an egg and I stink of garlic. phewwwwf!
Ok well, enough for now, I WILL write again soon!
<3 Ren x
Currently listening to:I Am The Avalanche - Self Titled I Am The Avalanche
and M.I.A. - Arular
P.S. I just realised 4 outta my current fave SGs are Canadian, whoah! lol
New hair again, huzzah!...

So this isnt actually one of the "proper" pics, the make up artist just took it with her digital in between shots...

[edited cuz as Mo correctly pointed out, my bf did not come to visit me at the beginning of Feb, but actually Sept?!?!

::sKuLLs 'n' KiSsEs::