Before I start todays essay (haha) I have to say a big fat THANK YOU! to everyone who wished me happy birthday, I'm sorry I havent replied to you all individually but I dont have much time as I have to leave for school soon, and I'm in a cafe as the internet in my flat STILL doesnt work...grrr!
Secondly, sorry just in general to all of you, the SG community & especially to the SGB girls, all of whom probably think I've been really really crap recently
For the last couple of months, modern technology has been the absolute BANE of my life!!!
Up until about the last week I'd been feeling increasingly isolated so I was incredibly relieved when I found this cafe round the corner from my flat with free wireless, and also that I was finally allowed to get a contract phone here in the US.
had an absolutely wikkid, fun packed 2 weeks back home in the UK, but unfortunately the lack of time (and internet) meant I didnt get to meet any of the SGUK girls/members who I would of course have loved to. I was also supposed to stage hand for the SGB girls with Kit and Nadine at the Leeds fest, which I was SOOO excited about, but then my stupid piece of shit UK phone (which I've actually had since my 15th birthday LOL) finally gave up the ghost so no one could contact me on it even if they tried. This, added to all my UK friends lack of internet access made it impossible to find out what I was sposed to be doing/where I was sposed to be going so I couldnt even go and help out! I feel really really bad about it and hope they can forgive me!
In the 2 weeks while I was home, I didnt seem to have time to even think! I hung out with my cheeky best matePaull, went out with my gorgeous gurlies and got steamin loads, ate endless amounts of yummy english crap/curries (which I'm unfortunately seeing the result of now - love handles, eurgh!:puke
, shopped (mmm vivienne westwood wallet
)and had a mad fun day at Alton Towers(the best theme park in UK) with my 3 oldskool best friends!
The night I got back, I got to go out with ALL my bestest friends, thanx to Paull and my friend Moj(Zoe) who had secretly organised for everyone to be in a bar in Leicester without me knowing! I was under the impression just Paull and I were going to a party at his mates house! Needless to say we all got very drunk and ended up in the 1st club I ever went to in Leicester when I was 14 and danced to indie/britpop/80s music
My birthday was wikkid too, specially cuz Hen came up from Kent and I havent seen her since she moved outta my flat in Vancouver in July. Me, her and my friend Sween got wristbands for the stupid "vip" lounge upstairs in this club, and decided to have a really spazzy dance off to amuse ourselves cuz it was full of posers...I've got photographic evidence which is midly embarassing, but thats ok, it was a laugh so when I get my hands on a copy of photoshop I'll resize them and stick 'em up on here
I was really sad to leave the UK again, even tho I was really excited to come back to NYC (obviously!) and I actually miss my mates more than I thought I would...but its cool, I know I'll end up back there eventually.
So things here are good, after a bad start the other weekend when I woke up to find I'd been bitten to shit by an unidentified creature and half my face was swollen and itchy and red! I had to stay in all weekend but it went away aftr about 4 days!
I'm enjoying school but I know I really have to knuckle down with the whole acting/music thing now. I'm prepared for the fact that its not going to happen overnight, but I want to do everything I can to improve my security in myself as a performer/artist.
Havent really been out much at night here yet, but think I will be this weekend, as well as going to see a play which I'm looking forward to. I'm also excited about tomorrow morning, as Freyja and I are going to see the frog exhibition at a museum!
heheh. There's also TONS of gigs I wanna go to in the next couple of months, I just got tickets to see The Faint, and among many others I want to see Le Tigre, PJ Harvey, The Stills, and The Pixies!
I need to do a new set soon, but I'm just waiting til the right idea/location comes to me, as I dont wanna just submit a load of crap that I'm not really happy with. If I make it to Montreal anytime soon (which hopefully I can) I'd love to do a set with my friend Mo
Ok, well I'm sure you'll all heave a sigh of relief to know that I'm finished for today! I'll try and update more often so its not so long, I really will!
Love and stars,
Ren xxx
Oooh! P.s. I've drawn a new tattoo I definitely wanna get on the back of my neck, I used my dad's initials to make the shape of a fox, just in black. But I'm trying to find a good artist in NYC to do it for me, so if anyone knows of any PLEASE let me know asap! Fanx
Before I start todays essay (haha) I have to say a big fat THANK YOU! to everyone who wished me happy birthday, I'm sorry I havent replied to you all individually but I dont have much time as I have to leave for school soon, and I'm in a cafe as the internet in my flat STILL doesnt work...grrr!
Secondly, sorry just in general to all of you, the SG community & especially to the SGB girls, all of whom probably think I've been really really crap recently

For the last couple of months, modern technology has been the absolute BANE of my life!!!

had an absolutely wikkid, fun packed 2 weeks back home in the UK, but unfortunately the lack of time (and internet) meant I didnt get to meet any of the SGUK girls/members who I would of course have loved to. I was also supposed to stage hand for the SGB girls with Kit and Nadine at the Leeds fest, which I was SOOO excited about, but then my stupid piece of shit UK phone (which I've actually had since my 15th birthday LOL) finally gave up the ghost so no one could contact me on it even if they tried. This, added to all my UK friends lack of internet access made it impossible to find out what I was sposed to be doing/where I was sposed to be going so I couldnt even go and help out! I feel really really bad about it and hope they can forgive me!

In the 2 weeks while I was home, I didnt seem to have time to even think! I hung out with my cheeky best matePaull, went out with my gorgeous gurlies and got steamin loads, ate endless amounts of yummy english crap/curries (which I'm unfortunately seeing the result of now - love handles, eurgh!:puke

The night I got back, I got to go out with ALL my bestest friends, thanx to Paull and my friend Moj(Zoe) who had secretly organised for everyone to be in a bar in Leicester without me knowing! I was under the impression just Paull and I were going to a party at his mates house! Needless to say we all got very drunk and ended up in the 1st club I ever went to in Leicester when I was 14 and danced to indie/britpop/80s music

My birthday was wikkid too, specially cuz Hen came up from Kent and I havent seen her since she moved outta my flat in Vancouver in July. Me, her and my friend Sween got wristbands for the stupid "vip" lounge upstairs in this club, and decided to have a really spazzy dance off to amuse ourselves cuz it was full of posers...I've got photographic evidence which is midly embarassing, but thats ok, it was a laugh so when I get my hands on a copy of photoshop I'll resize them and stick 'em up on here

I was really sad to leave the UK again, even tho I was really excited to come back to NYC (obviously!) and I actually miss my mates more than I thought I would...but its cool, I know I'll end up back there eventually.
So things here are good, after a bad start the other weekend when I woke up to find I'd been bitten to shit by an unidentified creature and half my face was swollen and itchy and red! I had to stay in all weekend but it went away aftr about 4 days!
I'm enjoying school but I know I really have to knuckle down with the whole acting/music thing now. I'm prepared for the fact that its not going to happen overnight, but I want to do everything I can to improve my security in myself as a performer/artist.
Havent really been out much at night here yet, but think I will be this weekend, as well as going to see a play which I'm looking forward to. I'm also excited about tomorrow morning, as Freyja and I are going to see the frog exhibition at a museum!

I need to do a new set soon, but I'm just waiting til the right idea/location comes to me, as I dont wanna just submit a load of crap that I'm not really happy with. If I make it to Montreal anytime soon (which hopefully I can) I'd love to do a set with my friend Mo

Ok, well I'm sure you'll all heave a sigh of relief to know that I'm finished for today! I'll try and update more often so its not so long, I really will!
Love and stars,
Ren xxx
Oooh! P.s. I've drawn a new tattoo I definitely wanna get on the back of my neck, I used my dad's initials to make the shape of a fox, just in black. But I'm trying to find a good artist in NYC to do it for me, so if anyone knows of any PLEASE let me know asap! Fanx


I Love You, Pass it on.