Finally, the big journal update!
Got back from Toronto/Montreal on Thursday, and it was SUCH a fun holiday! There didnt seem to be much to do in TO except shop and go out, but that suited me and Hen fine
so we did just that...we were only there for the first weekend, so that Saturday night we went to some new club where Felix Da Housecat was playing, got absolutely trashed, ended up in some afterclub and didnt emerge til 7am with the sunlight blazing in our bleary eyes!
Montreal was wikkid, I LOVE it
! If I ever have to move to another Canadian city it will definitely be there. Did abit of sightseeing in the old part, went to the biodome/insectarium (LOL - we're such geeks) and went out nearly every night cuz there's just sooo many bars and cool places there... though we seemed to end up in Le Bifteck and Saphir rather a lot!?! I actually met the lovely Guillaume at his night at Saphir (u might have seen the pic in my comments b4), but he's actually kindof a dickhead
:wink: haha j/k dear
Oh yeah! Before TO me and our other friend Maz went to LA again, cuz our friends' band were shooting a that was cool hanging out and watching them filming etc. I randomly saw Roby and Hepburn outside the Roxy when I was there, which was cool! But then I got so drunk I couldnt have found them if I tried - doh! I got my labret pierced for free while I was there too, which I was really happy about until I found out the jewellery I had in was basically a load of crap so had to get a new stud put in when I got back here. I was sposed to meet some of the LA girls when I was there, but unfortunately things went abit wrong diddly wrong wrong and I couldnt make it, which I was uber gutted about
I'll make a new album in my pics for LA/Toronto/Montreal.
Soooo.....just one more thing
Maz and I found out yesterday that we've both been accepted at an acting studio we applied to there, so there was much jumping up and down and screaming and dancing all around (and banging on my wall from my stupidwankybitch neighbour!)
All 3 of us (me, Hen and Maz) are gonna be moving there, I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited and cant believe its actually happening cuz we've been daydreaming about it for months! Just hope we're gonna be able to find somewhere we can afford to live, and cash in hand jobs cuz we're not really gonna be allowed to work
I'm so happy to be getting outta this city. Dont get me wrong, the time I've had here has been fantastic while its lasted, but yknow when it feels right to leave...your time is up?
So all in all, things are going swimmingly and I'm a very happy bunny. I'm kinda scared ( as I always am when things are going a little too well) that things are gonna suddenly crash and burn (!) but ah well, fingers crossed
On a sadder note it'll be 4 years tomorrow since my dad died...I just hope all the things that are happening in my life right now are helping me on my way to making him proud of me...I only wish he could be here to see it.
xxxx RIP CWJ xxxx
forever in my heart
Anyways, hope you're all well, write to me soon!
Update! Heeeeey look what I just found!
Me+the lovely Starla!
Got back from Toronto/Montreal on Thursday, and it was SUCH a fun holiday! There didnt seem to be much to do in TO except shop and go out, but that suited me and Hen fine

Montreal was wikkid, I LOVE it

Oh yeah! Before TO me and our other friend Maz went to LA again, cuz our friends' band were shooting a that was cool hanging out and watching them filming etc. I randomly saw Roby and Hepburn outside the Roxy when I was there, which was cool! But then I got so drunk I couldnt have found them if I tried - doh! I got my labret pierced for free while I was there too, which I was really happy about until I found out the jewellery I had in was basically a load of crap so had to get a new stud put in when I got back here. I was sposed to meet some of the LA girls when I was there, but unfortunately things went abit wrong diddly wrong wrong and I couldnt make it, which I was uber gutted about

I'll make a new album in my pics for LA/Toronto/Montreal.
Soooo.....just one more thing
Maz and I found out yesterday that we've both been accepted at an acting studio we applied to there, so there was much jumping up and down and screaming and dancing all around (and banging on my wall from my stupidwankybitch neighbour!)

I'm so happy to be getting outta this city. Dont get me wrong, the time I've had here has been fantastic while its lasted, but yknow when it feels right to leave...your time is up?
So all in all, things are going swimmingly and I'm a very happy bunny. I'm kinda scared ( as I always am when things are going a little too well) that things are gonna suddenly crash and burn (!) but ah well, fingers crossed

On a sadder note it'll be 4 years tomorrow since my dad died...I just hope all the things that are happening in my life right now are helping me on my way to making him proud of me...I only wish he could be here to see it.
xxxx RIP CWJ xxxx
forever in my heart
Anyways, hope you're all well, write to me soon!

Update! Heeeeey look what I just found!

hope you are
damn you for leaving a day before my flight gets in but as you said you will come to edmonton often enough to visit family and we must must must hang out and have a few drinkie poo's..