Fuck I'm so pissed off!!!
My computer is well and truly f00ked!!!!
I cant even turn the damn thing on without it deciding to randomly shut down every 5 mins, so I've not turned it on for about 2 weeks now, as it simply makes me too angry! So right now I'm in an internet cafe, and its fucking pants cuz I wanna be able to hang out in SGland more again! I'm sorry to everyone for not replying to all ur comments/emails, I'm not being a stuck up biatch honestly! At least now u know why. *sigh*
According to Paull I need some worm blaster thing, so maybe I'll be able to figure out how to get that soon and fix it myself.
OK, enuff of that. How're you all anyways?? Hope you're all having fun whatever you're doing. Despite all the work I have been having fun too, went to a Lost Prophets gig on Tues, who were v good, Hello lads if u ever read this haha
Went shopping to my favourite asian/oriental mall yesterday, which was fun, but didnt have enuff time so only managed to get one top! I had bubble tea though so that made me happy. Paull I was sending u one in my thoughts chicken
Had abit of a crazy day at the shoe shop yesterday tho, there was one WELL PSYCHO lady customer but I felt like I handled her pretty well *pats self on back in congrats* hehe
Ok, so the store was UBER busy and all the staff were rushing around helping ppl, and I could see her standing there holding this shoe, so I make mental note to help her as soon as I'm free. Next thing I know, I see her literally LOB THE FUCKING SHOE THROUGH THE AIR in front of everyone into the middle of one of the display tables and start to walk out the shop in a huff!!!! So I grabbed it, and ran after her to the front and was like "did u wanna try that on?!?!?!" with my cheesiest grin on my face! So in the end, she actually turned out to be ok and bought the shoes (thank god!) but when she was leaving I told her what my name was and said that next time if I'm working she can just shout that instead of chucking shoes around in the air! So then she thanked me for running after her and not throwing her outta the shop
5 weeks til I go to Toronto/Montreal wooo!
Cant wait! But I hear that Meemee is moving to the UK at the end of May now so does that mean I dont get to meet u there now then sweetheart?!?!?! nooo!
Ok, I gots to go and eat, I'm starvin marvin, been bussing at the restaurant all day and havent had any food in about 10 hours!
Hopefully speak to you all soon
OMG i forgot! I'm going to see Muse tomorrow yeaaaaaaaaah! Oh and hurrah for Cerah for going up today

My computer is well and truly f00ked!!!!

According to Paull I need some worm blaster thing, so maybe I'll be able to figure out how to get that soon and fix it myself.
OK, enuff of that. How're you all anyways?? Hope you're all having fun whatever you're doing. Despite all the work I have been having fun too, went to a Lost Prophets gig on Tues, who were v good, Hello lads if u ever read this haha

Went shopping to my favourite asian/oriental mall yesterday, which was fun, but didnt have enuff time so only managed to get one top! I had bubble tea though so that made me happy. Paull I was sending u one in my thoughts chicken

Had abit of a crazy day at the shoe shop yesterday tho, there was one WELL PSYCHO lady customer but I felt like I handled her pretty well *pats self on back in congrats* hehe

5 weeks til I go to Toronto/Montreal wooo!

Ok, I gots to go and eat, I'm starvin marvin, been bussing at the restaurant all day and havent had any food in about 10 hours!
Hopefully speak to you all soon

OMG i forgot! I'm going to see Muse tomorrow yeaaaaaaaaah! Oh and hurrah for Cerah for going up today

Apple - eMac