Wow, so, I just finished replying to a lot of the comments in my journal, thanx so much everyone for all the luvverly jubbly stuff you've been saying to me, I really really appreciate it all, deffo makes me feel like it was worth all the effort I put into creating my set
Oh, and getting perved on by some creepy old weirdo who was furrowing around in the park halfway through us taking pics and wouldnt go away when Hen told him to (to be honest I spose shes not really very scary tho) gah!
Hmm, what else? I'm sorry to anyone who might have sent me a friend request, and I havent done anything about it, but to be honest its abit overwhelming trying to look at everything and take it all in right now, and for some reason when I look at that page its abit f00ked up and theres like, spaces so I cant see all of them?!
Sooo, now I can actually write what I've been meaning to write about for ages, even though I should really be in bed cuz ive been at work all day, its 10 to 1 in the morning and I've gotta go back to work at 8am!!! Arrgh they're working me to the core! Moanmoanmoanwhingewhingewhinge sorry everyone! Oh and by the way thats why I havent been very good at updating recently, not, as Jonnnnny said, simply because I "suck balls" at it! Of course, WORK is a concept he's not very familiar with, so its expected that he wouldnt understand this
hehe. (actually, I've heard he's being worked to the bone now, so it serves u right u cheeky bugger)
Ok, sooo, my 1st story is about my pet fish! About a month ago now, I got a siamese fighting fish, he's really cool and red, and his name's Fitsch (like Kitsch
) Finger. So then about 2 weeks after I got him, I decided he needed a friend, cuz I went to Petcetera to get a fish for my ickle cousin and u could buy one fish, get one free. So I got this black guppy type thing that the people assured me Fitsch Finger wouldnt batter...So I got the new one home, called him Sgt Pepper, and they looked pretty happy together!..Of course u can guess what happened next, I came home the next day to Sgt Pepper floating upside down at the top of the tank! Doh! Fitsch Finger's a fucking savage so no more friends for him!
Apart from work (Oh yeah! I quit the fucking hair salon before I'd even finished my training and my2nd job is now in a vvvv funky shoe shop!
) I have still managed to go out recently...I went to see The Sounds the other week, who were fucking wikkid, then stayed out til 3:30am and got absolutely steamin, then had to get up for work at the restaurant 3hours later, ouch!
Last week I went to see The Strokes who were also vvv good (well I thought so anyways, I know some people who disagree with me - how dare they!) and hmm, this week, theres been no gigs yet.
The night after the Strokes was when I ran into the lovely Starla at an Irish pub (haha!!!) but due to the lack of sleep etc I was a bit of a grumpy/antisocial gurlie that night, so it prolly wasnt the best time for her to meet me! Hope u can forgive me chick! Althought I was so excited to see her that I ran up and was like, "HEY HEY!! STARLA RIGHT!!"Lol what a gimp
I auditioned and have been accepted into the Theatre program at my uni - hurrah! - so at least I know for sure what I'll be doing in Sept now
I also started an evening class in Acting for Film and TV last Mon, as I figured I need to get a bit of an insight into that side of things seeing as all my experience is theatre/street theatre based.
Was uber excited last week as I managed to put Cubase on my computer and kinda got our keyboard/mic etc set up, but then my computer (or the program, who knows?! ) is being a wazzock and wont work so now I'm upset and frustrated that we cant get cracking on the music yet grrr
I need a big strong computer/music geek to come and help me sort it out *sigh* if only Paull was here, at least for the computer side of things
I thought I was getting ill t'other day, cuz I finally got 12hours of sleep one night, and yknow when ur body has been on autopilot for so long and then it comes to a screeching halt and runs smack bang into a brick wall? Well I think thats what happened, but *touch wood* my throat isnt so sore today.
OMG!!!! I know what else happened! Fuck how could I forget!!!?!??!? Helen and I booked our flights to Toronto/Montreal the other day!!!! EEEEEEEeeEEE I'm SOOOOOOO excited!!! We're going to Toronto for about 6 days and then Montreal for about 2 weeks in June/July!!! I CANT WAIT!!! It made working so hard seem worth it when I could actually pay for the ticket myself instead of having to scrounge off my mum!!!
*happy Ren happy Ren*!!!
Ok shit, its getting later and harder for me to think straight and remember what else I had to say....I'm sure this journal entry is farrrr too long already anyway! All in all I am a very happy bunny at the moment, despite too much workness. My only complaint is that I'm not going to either of the Pixies gigs tonight or tomorrow
But alas, what can ya do?
Nanight everyone, thanx again for making me feel so welcome! xxx
Wow, so, I just finished replying to a lot of the comments in my journal, thanx so much everyone for all the luvverly jubbly stuff you've been saying to me, I really really appreciate it all, deffo makes me feel like it was worth all the effort I put into creating my set

Hmm, what else? I'm sorry to anyone who might have sent me a friend request, and I havent done anything about it, but to be honest its abit overwhelming trying to look at everything and take it all in right now, and for some reason when I look at that page its abit f00ked up and theres like, spaces so I cant see all of them?!

Sooo, now I can actually write what I've been meaning to write about for ages, even though I should really be in bed cuz ive been at work all day, its 10 to 1 in the morning and I've gotta go back to work at 8am!!! Arrgh they're working me to the core! Moanmoanmoanwhingewhingewhinge sorry everyone! Oh and by the way thats why I havent been very good at updating recently, not, as Jonnnnny said, simply because I "suck balls" at it! Of course, WORK is a concept he's not very familiar with, so its expected that he wouldnt understand this

Ok, sooo, my 1st story is about my pet fish! About a month ago now, I got a siamese fighting fish, he's really cool and red, and his name's Fitsch (like Kitsch

Apart from work (Oh yeah! I quit the fucking hair salon before I'd even finished my training and my2nd job is now in a vvvv funky shoe shop!

Last week I went to see The Strokes who were also vvv good (well I thought so anyways, I know some people who disagree with me - how dare they!) and hmm, this week, theres been no gigs yet.
The night after the Strokes was when I ran into the lovely Starla at an Irish pub (haha!!!) but due to the lack of sleep etc I was a bit of a grumpy/antisocial gurlie that night, so it prolly wasnt the best time for her to meet me! Hope u can forgive me chick! Althought I was so excited to see her that I ran up and was like, "HEY HEY!! STARLA RIGHT!!"Lol what a gimp

I auditioned and have been accepted into the Theatre program at my uni - hurrah! - so at least I know for sure what I'll be doing in Sept now

Was uber excited last week as I managed to put Cubase on my computer and kinda got our keyboard/mic etc set up, but then my computer (or the program, who knows?! ) is being a wazzock and wont work so now I'm upset and frustrated that we cant get cracking on the music yet grrr

I thought I was getting ill t'other day, cuz I finally got 12hours of sleep one night, and yknow when ur body has been on autopilot for so long and then it comes to a screeching halt and runs smack bang into a brick wall? Well I think thats what happened, but *touch wood* my throat isnt so sore today.
OMG!!!! I know what else happened! Fuck how could I forget!!!?!??!? Helen and I booked our flights to Toronto/Montreal the other day!!!! EEEEEEEeeEEE I'm SOOOOOOO excited!!! We're going to Toronto for about 6 days and then Montreal for about 2 weeks in June/July!!! I CANT WAIT!!! It made working so hard seem worth it when I could actually pay for the ticket myself instead of having to scrounge off my mum!!!

Ok shit, its getting later and harder for me to think straight and remember what else I had to say....I'm sure this journal entry is farrrr too long already anyway! All in all I am a very happy bunny at the moment, despite too much workness. My only complaint is that I'm not going to either of the Pixies gigs tonight or tomorrow

Nanight everyone, thanx again for making me feel so welcome! xxx
Hey there sweetie!! hope everything is good with you!! 

you need to update your journal missy!!!!!!!!!!!