Even Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs has a mullet now. Thats IT! I'm chopping it all off. OFF I TELL YOU!
Any suggestions for a new haircut for Ren very welcome.
Thank you x
UPDATE: Mon 22nd March
Wheeee! SG knickers etc came in post today! I must be psychic cuz I was thinking today, "I bet they'll come when my mums here (shes coming tomorrow) and she'll be like, "OoO whats that?" and I'd be like "Uuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr"!
So thats good and of course I was excited so I just took some pics of me in them which are in my candids.
Oh yeah and the fact that shes coming prolly means I wont be able to check this for a few
ALSO, a new addition to my candids today is the premiere of a little mini-set not many of you, in fact NONE of you know about yet! Oh they may jest about it, but little did Paull and Jonny know that I've already got my cheeky little hands on their trial set for the Suicide Boys, entitled, "Gaylords Uncovered!
So everybody hop on down to my candids and check out the bwuoys flexin' their sex! AND give them a big welcome to the site everyone!
Here's a wee sampler just to get ur juices flowing...
...Ahhh revenge is schweeet muhahahHAHAHAHA!

Even Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs has a mullet now. Thats IT! I'm chopping it all off. OFF I TELL YOU!
Any suggestions for a new haircut for Ren very welcome.
Thank you x
UPDATE: Mon 22nd March
Wheeee! SG knickers etc came in post today! I must be psychic cuz I was thinking today, "I bet they'll come when my mums here (shes coming tomorrow) and she'll be like, "OoO whats that?" and I'd be like "Uuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr"!

ALSO, a new addition to my candids today is the premiere of a little mini-set not many of you, in fact NONE of you know about yet! Oh they may jest about it, but little did Paull and Jonny know that I've already got my cheeky little hands on their trial set for the Suicide Boys, entitled, "Gaylords Uncovered!

Here's a wee sampler just to get ur juices flowing...

...Ahhh revenge is schweeet muhahahHAHAHAHA!

This summer is going to be such a wont exist except to go to Vancouver for the Prom...Yay for Prom! Ugh for three jobs!