I never thought I would say this, but I LOVE working in a restaurant! I've only worked 3 shifts of my new job so far, but its nuthin at all like the 2 waitressing jobs I had in the UK when I was younger so its going really really well and I'm super happy about it
As I said before, my best friend (who is the only other person I know here who likes drum and bass) has gone back to Angleterre for a couple of weeks, so I was forced to go to the world of drum and bass tour on my ownsome Mon night! It was worth going tho, and I didnt have to pay so thats a bonus! I sent a cheeky email to Formation records to ask about being guestlisted and got one bk from Dj ss saying yeah, so I went and the woman on the door was trying to tell me i wasnt on there so I was thinking arrrgh not again!
(this has happened to me before & I feel like such a twat) But then this guy looked at my email (yes I'm a geek I printed it off just in case) and he was like "well thats from SS so shes set." I was like yes mate I rrrock!
muhahAHAHAHa I was a very happy bunny despite being alone, the music was wikkid, got abit pissed and danced my wee arse off.
Going to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Sat, and hopefully Franz Ferdinand on Weds, but (typical!) I've been scheduled to work that night so I dunno.
Hopefully itll be as quiet as tonight was and they'll send me home early again so I can go.
Mmm what else...My mum's coming to visit next week (yey!) so hopefully that means I can get some money to buy music equipment finally hurrah!
P.S. Paull chicken I still cant believe u asked some girl if she was pregnant and she said "no I'm just fat" cuz she wasnt! stink!
bless ur little heart
P.S. if anyone wants to buy a pair of black and hot pink Etnies that are practically brand new, check out my auction on ebay...u know u want them
As I said before, my best friend (who is the only other person I know here who likes drum and bass) has gone back to Angleterre for a couple of weeks, so I was forced to go to the world of drum and bass tour on my ownsome Mon night! It was worth going tho, and I didnt have to pay so thats a bonus! I sent a cheeky email to Formation records to ask about being guestlisted and got one bk from Dj ss saying yeah, so I went and the woman on the door was trying to tell me i wasnt on there so I was thinking arrrgh not again!
Going to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Sat, and hopefully Franz Ferdinand on Weds, but (typical!) I've been scheduled to work that night so I dunno.
Mmm what else...My mum's coming to visit next week (yey!) so hopefully that means I can get some money to buy music equipment finally hurrah!
P.S. Paull chicken I still cant believe u asked some girl if she was pregnant and she said "no I'm just fat" cuz she wasnt! stink!
P.S. if anyone wants to buy a pair of black and hot pink Etnies that are practically brand new, check out my auction on ebay...u know u want them
can you belive the locust are surpost for the yeah yeah yeahs over here, mad there like chalk and chese