My son is transsexual, wanting to be transgender.
He grew up a girl and soon wants to transition fully.
It scares me because I've heard so many horror stories about people not being happy with the results. Problems arising like dysfunctional organs, horrible scaring and other various things. Especially the transition from female to male.
I would love to hear some input from people that have had personal experiences or simply know more about this than I do.... I love a want to support him as best I can by getting as much info as I can...
My SO is transgender (MtF). Do you use reddit at all? /r/asktransgender /r/transtimelines and /r/mypartneristrans are all really great resources. Yes, there are some medical risks of hormones, but there are also health risks and mental trauma from your son not being allowed to transition. Is there an LGBT center/organization in your city? Look around. If there is, they will be a great resource. Many offer group therapy for trans individuals and their loved ones. Being able to talk with other people going through the same thing can be really helpful. If there's not a physical group in your area, definitely look for online communities. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Your son is already incredibly lucky that you're supportive and embracing him as he is. That's really wonderful. PM me if you ever wanna talk about it.
The only thing I can say is you're an amazing father for attempting to educate yourself. Most others wouldn't give it a second thought. ❤️