Alice is one of my Favorite Disney Beauties.... @arielmurder is my inspiration for this one...
My son is transsexual, wanting to be transgender.
He grew up a girl and soon wants to transition fully.
It scares me because I've heard so many horror stories about people not being happy with the results. Problems arising like dysfunctional organs, horrible scaring and other various things. Especially the transition from female to male.
I would love to hear some input from people that...
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@calaveraa as Tiana, The Princess from Disney's "The Princess and the Frog"
@babel as Aurora!
I realize that is it's hard to see but I do draw a light sketch at the beginning.
This is @babel as Aurora.... π
I am about to undertake a Massive project!
I will be recreating the beautiful ladies in the Disney Universe.
@cheshi I was wondering if you would allow me to use your picture to be my Tinkerbell!
You are PERFECT for the part, but I would have to change your tattoos to be things that Tink would have on her. It's up to you....
Step 1: get a drafting table..... β finally!
Step 2: get a freakin' office!..... Working on that one.....
This is my Father's Day gift from my wife! I'm stoked!
My lamp will get here and then I will be able to record my drawing processes!