Sweet Baby Jesus, I have a stalker. I'm really not amused by this. There is a girl at work that is older than me and not my type at all. As soon as she heard I broke up with my girlfriend, she came at me guns hot. I have straight out told her that I'm not interested, but she just keeps at it. It's a challenge to her. She obviously is coming from a lonely and desperate place, so I'm trying to patiently explain that I don't want to date her, or fuck her, or even hang out with her one on one outside of work. It's getting old though, and I'm two and a half pounds of pull on a three pound trigger from giving her both barrels and being done with it. How does one deal with this sort of thing in a mature manner that's considerate of the other person's feelings if the other person clearly doesn't get the clue?
tell her you appreciate that shes interested but that youre not and if she doesnt drop it youll take it to her supervisor for harassment?