I don't know exactly what happened. I was doing well, getting along with everyone and learning my job pretty quickly, given their lax definition of "training." Then yesterday about 4:30pm, I got a call from my temp agency contact asking me to come to her office. I got the okay from the boss guy Patrick that I could go, and so I went. My spidey sense was tingling though. Why not just tell me what she had to tell me over the phone? Well, because it was that I was fired, of course. They didn't give the temp agency contact a reason. They just said it wasn't working out. I'm almost positive that everyone else there knew about it after the morning meeting, and just didn't tell me. Because when they came out of it, they pulled me off of training with the other processor and told me to answer the phone because "she needed to catch up on the end of the month closings." Yeah, she sat there and gabbed the whole day. Lying two faced snake ass bastards. So now I'm unemployed again, just like with Wes. Patrick (the boss here) reminds me of Wes actually. Back last year I needed a job for some capital for Dragon*Con, and so my dad's buddy Wes said I could work in his office, well, he had me there about two weeks before he did the same damn thing. It's funny too, two days ago, I had the strange feeling that I shouldn't be resting on my laurels. Like I should keep putting in applications. But then I said, Nah, I've got this cool job and I'm making money. Now with the bills I've gotta pay this month, I'll be lucky if I'm left with $200 in my bank account. As the start of my moving out fund. It's a start, but still...FUCK.
1114 hours Central.
I've found four leads and written them down in my thought pad (a tiny little notebook). Rewrote my employment history and my references into the same handy little notebook. Now I just have to take a shower and then we can engage in the mission. Operation Jobhunt, here I come.

1114 hours Central.
I've found four leads and written them down in my thought pad (a tiny little notebook). Rewrote my employment history and my references into the same handy little notebook. Now I just have to take a shower and then we can engage in the mission. Operation Jobhunt, here I come.
I'm sure it'll work out, you just have to get back on the horse.