It's so surreal. I'm happy to have a job now. It means I can finally save up money and get away from my dad and his girlfriend. There's nothing I want more in the world. But at the same time, it sounds the death knell of an entire era. It'll be my first time really and truly away from where I grew up. I won't have that safety net anymore to catch me. It's like I've been so excited about being able to fly that I forgot to look down until now, and I just saw how far it really is if I fall. Yet I'm not afraid. I'm bolder now perhaps than I was before. For some reason, Daborah's been a lot nicer to me since I wrote my dad that letter and then turned around and actually got a job. It's like she's up to something, so I'm staying polite and detached, in cop mode basically. Still, even if she's up to something, I'll take what I can get while I can get it I guess. The thing that kinda sucks about this work is that my work schedule has me 8-5. Which is great, but my classes start at 4:30. My sociology class, I'll be lucky to catch the last half hour of every tuesday and thursday, and my law enforcement ethics class, I'll likely catch the last couple hours (it's one of those 2 hour and 45 minute deals that meets once a week). Freedom never comes free, eh?
You can't touch me. You can't stop me!
You can't touch me. You can't stop me!
Be a cop? Oh my. Please, please be a good cop.