It is a good day so far. One of my friends, Dasha went up today. She's soooo cute. Go say hi.
I must have put in 9 or 10 applications for jobs today, and I've got more to do online and in the Want Ads too. I'm a soldier, I tell you. I have to get out of this house. It's no longer an option, no longer a luxury to stay here. The shadow of my father is suffocating me, and the hatred of his girlfriend is killing me piece by piece. Piece. By. Piece. One of my good friends might be my roommate too, because she wants to get out of where she's staying. And female roomies are The Jugs. (Meaning very good, ya sicko.) Today I'm going to try and play some City of Heroes sometime between when I have to go to class and when I go watch WWE Smackdown, which I'm obsessed with wrestling again because on a whim, I rented that Smackdown VS Raw game. I'm otherwise happy because it's quite nice out and I got to see my longtimenosee friend Jenna last night. She's awesome.
And that's all I got to say about that!
I must have put in 9 or 10 applications for jobs today, and I've got more to do online and in the Want Ads too. I'm a soldier, I tell you. I have to get out of this house. It's no longer an option, no longer a luxury to stay here. The shadow of my father is suffocating me, and the hatred of his girlfriend is killing me piece by piece. Piece. By. Piece. One of my good friends might be my roommate too, because she wants to get out of where she's staying. And female roomies are The Jugs. (Meaning very good, ya sicko.) Today I'm going to try and play some City of Heroes sometime between when I have to go to class and when I go watch WWE Smackdown, which I'm obsessed with wrestling again because on a whim, I rented that Smackdown VS Raw game. I'm otherwise happy because it's quite nice out and I got to see my longtimenosee friend Jenna last night. She's awesome.
And that's all I got to say about that!
good luck with the jobs. i know what you mean about crappy living situations. getting out of them can improve your life x 43875348, even if you are dirt poor.