I feel like an ADA. My dad gave me the green light to go look for a full time job. It's so he has a case to present to his girlfriend about why she should watch the girls (which Im supposed to do) so I can get up enough to move out. He has to build a case. A Case. It's his house. I'm so lucky that I have the strength of will to not let things like this build up and break me. I'm stronger than this. I'm stronger than her. I am beginning to wonder if I'm stronger than him, too. My dad is stretching himself too thin. Trying to worry about me, my two little sisters, a bitch that doesn't deserve him. It's like he doesn't have enough left to worry about himself. It's time I did something about that.
And you are stonger than that. Show her and your dad, and maybe he'll see he is stronger too.