-7:46am Central
Decided today that in the tradition of the hero, I am going to take what Daborah throws at me and be that much better off for it by not responding. I will not rise to the bait and give her more ammo with which to be the whore of babylon.If I can just manage to pull this off until the end of the school year when I'm leaving, 3 precious months from now, my dad will be in a lot better position than he is now. And a wise man once said: "Forgive your enemies. Nothing pisses them off more."
If you haven't read NotoriousDUG's journal for today, you should. He's a crazy sumbitch. It reminded me of a time when I was on a Missions trip with my youth church to LA to help alleviate some of the homeless concerns in a neighborhood surrounding the LA Dreamcenter, when we were at McDonald's after service one night and this drunken homeless guy burst up into the McDonald's and said- "Everybody freeze!" Naturally, I thought we were going to be robbed, so I grabbed a potted plant and made to clock him with it. Of course his next words were "Gimme all your hamburgers!", so crisis averted. But I was scared out of my wits for those few precious seconds that stretched like an eternity. It's comforting to know that my first instinct in danger is to clock someone with whatever heavy objects are at hand.
-4:14pm Central
I want to rent the game Darkwatch, but no one has it that I have a card to. I would just go out to good old faithful Blockbuster, but lately they've been Cockbuster with their late fee games and threats of legal reprisal. I laugh at them, haha I say Blockbuster! So I'm contenting myself with State of Emergency 2. It's a fun enough game, predictable gunplay with unlimited continues and the like. For some reason though, I really want a first person shooter right now. Eh, I'll live.
Decided today that in the tradition of the hero, I am going to take what Daborah throws at me and be that much better off for it by not responding. I will not rise to the bait and give her more ammo with which to be the whore of babylon.If I can just manage to pull this off until the end of the school year when I'm leaving, 3 precious months from now, my dad will be in a lot better position than he is now. And a wise man once said: "Forgive your enemies. Nothing pisses them off more."
If you haven't read NotoriousDUG's journal for today, you should. He's a crazy sumbitch. It reminded me of a time when I was on a Missions trip with my youth church to LA to help alleviate some of the homeless concerns in a neighborhood surrounding the LA Dreamcenter, when we were at McDonald's after service one night and this drunken homeless guy burst up into the McDonald's and said- "Everybody freeze!" Naturally, I thought we were going to be robbed, so I grabbed a potted plant and made to clock him with it. Of course his next words were "Gimme all your hamburgers!", so crisis averted. But I was scared out of my wits for those few precious seconds that stretched like an eternity. It's comforting to know that my first instinct in danger is to clock someone with whatever heavy objects are at hand.

-4:14pm Central
I want to rent the game Darkwatch, but no one has it that I have a card to. I would just go out to good old faithful Blockbuster, but lately they've been Cockbuster with their late fee games and threats of legal reprisal. I laugh at them, haha I say Blockbuster! So I'm contenting myself with State of Emergency 2. It's a fun enough game, predictable gunplay with unlimited continues and the like. For some reason though, I really want a first person shooter right now. Eh, I'll live.
how is school going for you? i think i did really well on the midterm.