So yesterday was a shitstorm of epic proportions. All this tension between myself and my dad's girlfriend came to a head. Early in the afternoon, after about the umpteenth confrontation, I decided that I'm moving out for good come March 31. That gives me a month to save up and find a job. Well then, later on, she decided to keep nagging at me and so my dad decided that we all needed to have a talk. Some wise girl (we'll call her Lotus) gave me the advice to bite my damn tongue. And I tried. I really did. But Daborah snapped at me and I snapped right back, and well, she's gone for good. She stormed off after a big melodramatic display of guilt tripping. But as I'm still moving out, I feel bad for my dad because he's going to be utterly alone. Just him and my two little sisters. I almost feel bad, but there's just something about HER being gone and knowing that I'm finally gonna be free that despite all the hardships of living on one's own for the first real time...makes me feel invincible. So while there are immediate consequences to deal with, I'm happier than I've been in a long while.
Good Luck.
I feel bad for my dad because he's going to be utterly alone. Just him and my two little sisters
Moving out doesn't mean your abandoning him. You'll still be around, you'll still see him, visit, talk on the phone. And he still has your sisters. Hardly what I'd call "utterly alone".