Played some WoW today and made a character on the Dark Iron server. That was some good stuff. I've got a Paladin named Remicus.
. He was level 6 by time I stopped and went to the club. There I got to flirt with a couple of friends of mine. One girl I kinda think is cute was being all goofy, and another kept coming over to sit with me every chance she got. Which is nice because she works there so she coulda got in trouble if her boss decided to be a jackass. That's really it for today. Otherwise I just sat around and played hooky from school because dad didn't get home in time for me to go. Hope you all had a good day.

Good for you with the flirting. It can be a fantastic pick-me-up! 

Flirting with a couple of girls huh? Our lil Remy is growing up.